The BankID OpenID Connect platform supports digital signing as an extension of the authorization flow. Both SEID-SDO and PAdES signature envelopes are available.
The general characteristics of this flow are the same for both the SEID-SDO and PAdES alternatives, but properties such as endpoints, request body and response data differs. The PAdES flow supports multiple end user signatures through serial signing where the output from one signing session is used as input for the next.
For more details see the relevant implementation guide for your choice of feature set:
- Only supports text signing (simplified flow)
- The text can be maximum 118 characters long.
- Only the following character set is supported:
[0-9] [a-z] [æ] [ø] [å] [A-Z] [Æ] [Ø] [Å] [ ][CR] [LF] [#] [$] [%-&] [(-?] [@] [¡] [£] [¤] [¥] [§] [¿] [Ä] [Ç] [É] [Ñ] [Ö] [Ü] [ß] [à] [ä] [è] [é] [ì] [ñ] [ò] [ö] [ù] - Show understanding and show confirmation flags do not apply.
- English locale is not supported.