Order forms
Type | Beskrivelse | Skjema | ||||||
RA | Naming of RA Dette skjema skal benyttes ved RA seremonier hvor det også har vært utstedelse av nytt CA sertifikat og ved migrering av RA'er med forskjellige CA'er. Ellers, så kan dette bestilles via BankID Support: Prod: https://servicedesk.bankidnorge.no/jira/servicedesk/customer/portal/3/create/107 Preproduksjon: https://servicedesk.bankidnorge.no/jira/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/create/105 |
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RA | Revoke RA XML Request Dette skjema skal benyttes ved revokering av RA XML. |
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CA | Naming of CA Dette skjema skal benyttes ved utstedelse av nytt CA sertifikat. |
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Key Custodian | Key Custodian skjema Dette skjema skal benyttes ved fornyelse av Key Custodians for TSP. Dette skal håndteres av BITS. |
Recommended test case sett for Switchover
Netcentric usage verification
Test scenarios Netcentric certificates
Nr | Testcase | Expected test result |
1 | Perform an Authentication with the Netcentric BankID which was created before cutover using HA1 (generated code) | Authentication is done with ok result |
2 | Perform an Authentication with the Netcentric BankID which was created before cutover using HA2 (generated code) | Authentication is done with ok result |
3 | Perform Sign with the Netcentric BankID which was created before cutover | Signing is done with ok result |
BIM internet usage verification
Test scenarios BankID on mobile
Nr | Testcase | Expected test result |
1 | Perform an Authentication with a BankID on mobile which was created before cutover | Authentication is done with ok result |
2 | Perform Sign with a BankID on mobile which was created before cutover | Signing is done with ok result |
3 | Perform a Netcentric authentication with BankID on mobile as OTP | Authentication is done with ok result |
BIM extranet usage verification
Test scenarios BankID on mobile certificates (Nettbank)
Nr | Testcase | Expected test result |
1 | Perform an Authentication with a BankID on mobile which was created before cutover | Authentication is done with ok result |
2 | Perform Sign with a BankID on mobile which was created before cutover | Signing is done with ok result |
3 | Perform a Netcentric authentication with BankID on mobile as OTP | Authentication is done with ok result |
Issuing verification
Test scenarios Netcentric certificates created before cutover
Nr | Testcase | Expected test result |
1 | Perform a Suspend on Netcentric BankID which was created before cutover | Verify that the BankID is suspended in RA |
2 | Perform an Revoke on Netcentric BankID which was created before cutover | Verify that the BankID is revoked in RA |
3 | Perform a Renew on Netcentric BankID which was created before cutover. | Verify that the BankID is renewed in RA |
4 | Perform an Authentication with the Netcentric BankID which was Renewed above | Authentication is done with ok result |
5 | Perform a Sign with the Netcentric BankID which was Renewed above | Signing is done with ok result |
6 | Perform an Reissue (order new password) on Netcentric BankID which was created before cutover | Verify that renewal of certificate is ok |
7 | Perform an Authentication on Netcentric BankID which was Reissued above | Authentication is done with ok result |
8 | Perform a Sign with Netcentric BankID which was Reissued above | Signing is done with ok result |
9 | Perform a Reinstate on a certificate which was Suspended before cutover | Certificate was successfully Reinstated and is in Activated status |
10 | Perform an Authentication on Netcentric BankID which was Reinstated above | Authentication is done with ok result |
Test scenarios Netcentric certificates created after cutover
Nr | Testcase | Expected test result |
1 | Perform an Authentication with the Netcentric BankID which was created after cutover | Authentication is done with ok result |
2 | Perform Sign with the Netcentric BankID which was created after cutover | Signing is done with ok result |
3 | Perform a Suspend on Netcentric BankID which was created after cutover | Verify that the BankID is suspended in RA |
4 | Perform a Reinstate on Netcentric BankID which was created after cutover | Verify that the BankID is activated and auth/sign is OK |
5 | Perform an Authentication with Netcentric BankID which was Reinstated above | Authentication is done with ok result |
6 | Perform an Revoke on Netcentric BankID which was created after cutover | Verify that the BankID is revoked in RA |
7 | Perform a Renew on Netcentric BankID which was created after cutover | Verify that the BankID is renewed in RA |
8 | Perform an Authentication with Netcentric BankID which was Renewed above | Authentication is done with ok result |
9 | Perform a Sign with Netcentric BankID which was Renewed above | Signing is done with ok result |
10 | Perform Reissue (order new password) on Netcentric BankID which was created after cutover | Verify that the BankID is renewed in RA |
11 | Perform an Authentication with Netcentric BankID which was Reissued above | Authentication is done with ok result |
12 | Perform a Sign with Netcentric BankID which was Reissued above | Signing is done with ok result |
BankID on mobile certificates
Test scenarios BankID on mobile certificates created before Cutover
When BankID on mobile is renewed, generation of new certificates will be done immediately (requires some process time)
Nr | Testcase | Expected test result |
1 | Perform an Suspend on a BankID on mobile which was created before cutover | Verify that the BankID is suspended in RA |
2 | Perform an Revoke on a BankID om mobile which was created before cutover | Verify that the BankID is revoked in RA |
3 | Perform a Renew on a BankID on mobile which was created before cutover | Verify that the BankID is renewed in RA |
4 | Perform an Authentication with the BankID on mobile which was Renewed above | Authentication is done with ok result |
5 | Perform a Reinstate on a certificate which was Suspended before cutover | Certificate was successfully Reinstated and is in Activated status |
6 | Perform an Authentication with the BankID on mobile which was Reinstated above | Authentication is done with ok result |
Test scenarios BankID on mobile certificates created after cutover
When BankID on mobile is renewed, generation of new certificates will be done immediately (requires some process time)
Nr | Testcase | Expected test result |
1 | Perform an Authentication with a BankID on mobile which was created after cutover | Authentication is done with ok result |
2 | Perform Sign with a BankID on mobile which was created after cutover | Signing is done with ok result |
3 | Perform an Suspend on a BankID on mobile which was created after cutover | Verify that the BankID is suspended in RA |
4 | Perform a Reinstate on a BankID on mobile which was created after cutover | Verify that the BankID is activated and auth/sign is OK |
5 | Perform an Authentication with the BankID on mobile which was Reinstated above | Authentication is done with ok result |
6 | Perform an Revoke on a BankID on mobile which was created after cutover | Verify that the BankID is revoked in RA |
7 | Perform a Renew on a BankID on mobile which was created after cutover. | Verify that the BankID is renewed in RA |
8 | Perform an Authentication with the BankID on mobile which was Renewed above | Authentication is done with ok result |
Order or Renew RA XML or SSL certificate
Type | Beskrivelse |
Bestille RA via BankID support - Produksjon | Bestille eller fornye RA sertifikat via BankID support portal Produksjon: https://servicedesk.bankidnorge.no/jira/servicedesk/customer/portal/3/create/107
Bestille RA via BankID support - Preproduksjon | Bestille eller fornye RA sertifikat via BankID support portal Preproduksjon: https://servicedesk.bankidnorge.no/jira/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/create/105