Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PDOIDC and version master


StepWhat you doEndpointMethodConsiderationsRemarks

Get the key properties of the OIDC provider


2Build the authorization URL, and redirect the user to the authorization endpointAuthorizeGET

Include scope nnin_altsub.

In the callback, make sure to check for error and matching states

The user authenticates with selected IDP method
3Exchange authorization code for tokensTokenPOST

Check matching nonce.

Use the ID token to identify the user.

4Fetch our public keys and use these to validate token signaturesjwkGET

5Make a new authorize-requestAuthorizeGETInclude scope nnin. Add ID token from 4) as id_token_hintThis will prompt the end-user consent for sharing their national identity number with you. For more, see consent dialogues.
6Exchange authorization code for tokensTokenPOSTCheck matching nonce.
7Download national identity number from resource seversUserinfo (TINFO Userinfo Endpoints)GETUse Access token from 6) as Bearer tokenIf the user has not given consent, you won't be able to download this from the resource server.
