Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PDOIDC and version master



GET with URL path parameter tid for the authentication session is question (Transaction ID from the ID Token)

AuthenticationAccess Token as Bearer Token in Authorization Header
202AcceptedA new process for retrieval of fraud data for tid  is accepted
204No ContentA process for retrieval of fraud data for tid  is still ongoing (not yet completed)
200OKA process for retrieval of fraud data for tid has completed. The body contains a JSON with fraud data response elements.
400Bad requestThe tid value does not correspond to a session associated with the requesting OIDC client
401Unauthorized Bearer token is missing or not accepted for any reason
403ForbiddenBearer token has insufficient scope
404Not foundThe tid  is an unknown value for the OIDC Provider.
410GoneFraud data for tid is no longer available
429Too many requests The fraud data service is currently too busy to serve the request
500Internal server error Any other error condition

Error responses contains further information on the reason according to standard.

ExampleSee below
