The following is an example of a valid access token to the SignDoc resource server. The resource designator signdoc
as well as the role read_write
is added to the resource_access
claim of the access token to signify access to the associated endpoint of the SignDoc resource server API.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ " |
exp": |
1629281602, " |
iat": |
1629281302, |
" |
jti": |
"7cc03090-7c8b-4775-9532-51169932adc7", "iss": |
"https:// |
auth.current. |
bankid.no/auth/realms/current", |
"aud": |
"signdoc" |
, |
"sub": |
" |
b9ce6414- |
2ddc- |
46e2- |
8330- |
7f3d59000c64", |
"typ": |
"Bearer", |
"azp": |
"oidc-testclient", |
" |
acr": |
"1", " |
realm_access": { " |
roles": [] |
}, "resource_access": { |
"signdoc": { |
"roles": [ |
"read_write" |
] |
} |
}, |
" |
scope": |
"signdoc/read_write", "clientHost": |
" |
xxx. |
xxx. |
xxx.xx", "clientId": "oidc-testclient", "resource_claims": {}, |
"clientAddress": |
" |
xxx. |
xxx. |
xxx. |
xx" |
} |
Access token for access to userinfo
Below is example of a valid Access Token for access to the TINFO resource server, used in context of the api-userinfo API. The resource designator tinfo
is added to the resource_access
claim of the access token to signify access to various parts of the TINFO dataset. Since api-userinfo supports standardized claims, the same set of claims is also included under realm_access
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "jtisub": "a48fecfe2cd7cecd-e4c8d444-48d34685-9a45bb04-b41ded9320338bbfdb45a069", "expresource_access": 1520371229,{ "nbftinfo": 0, { "iatroles": 1520370929, [ "iss": "https://oidc-preprod.bankidapis.no/auth/realms/preprod", "aud": "tinfo", "sub": "b3f4d919-8cc5-413c-9e11-3c2c675b2f8f", "typ": "Bearer", "azp": "oidc-testclient", "nonce": "somecorrelationnonce", "auth_time": 1520370929, "session_state": "bf71d01f-3a7c-474a-92c7-6c395cb95fc6", "name": "Frode Beckmann Nilsen", "given_name": "Frode Beckmann", "family_name": "Nilsen", "birthdate": "1966-12-18", "acr": "2", "allowed-origins": [ "" ],address", "phone", "profile", "email" ] } }, "birthdate": "2018-05-09", "amr": "BID", "iss": "https://auth.current.bankid.no/auth/realms/current", "typ": "Bearer", "bankid_altsub": "9578-6000-4-634582", "originator": "CN=BankID - TestBank1 - Bank CA 3,OU=123456789,O=TestBank1 AS,C=NO;OrginatorId=9980;OriginatorName=BINAS;OriginatorId=9980", "given_name": "Test User", "nonce": "a6c03ff5-936c-4bff-ab98-a9898d37984f", "aud": "tinfo", "acr": "urn:bankid:bid;LOA=4", "realm_access": { "roles": [ "address", "phone", "profilephone", "email" "profile", ] }, "resource_access": { "tinfoemail": { "roles":] [ }, "addressazp": "oidc-testclient", "phone"auth_time": 1629280890, "scope": "openid phone address "profile email", "resource_claims": {}, "emailname": "Test User BankID", ] "exp": 1629281190, } }"session_state": "66801cef-7746-4dd6-a018-43bda5c7002b", "amriat": "XID"1629280890, "preferredfamily_usernamename": "BankID"Nilsen, Frode Beckmann", "bankid_altsubjti": "9578-6002fc59b32-e1ed-47cb-abf7-87786504912a" } |
Other notes
Warning |
Note that the OIDC Provider from BankID currently supports multi-audience tokens. If an OIDC Client requests a set of scopes that affect several resource servers, each of the affected services will be listed in the This practise may be changed in a future release of the OIDC Provider from BankID by imposing a restriction to not allow requests for a set of scopes that affect more than one VAS in each request. Introducing such a single-audience restriction has the benefit of giving tighter control since a bearer token in wrong hands gives access to fewer resources. The downside of a single-audience restriction is that integration becomes more complex for OIDC clients since multiple requests must be made, one for each set of requested scopes, to get a series of access tokens, one for each affected VAS. To be prepared for a possible future change from multi-audience access tokens to single-audience access tokens, OIDC Clients are recommened to not include a set of scopesin the same request that affects more that one VAS. The recommended integration practise is to use a series of subsequent requests for access tokens to separate VAS. Using this recommended integration practise will not break backwards compatibility if a single-audience restriction is introduced. For authentication flows involving the end-user subsequent requests can be made via the id_token_hint option for the Authorize endpoint to avoid repeated authentication of the end-user. |