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This page contains an overview of possible error codes that may be display displayed to end-users during usage of the BankID OpenID Connect provider.  The document is intended for the development and support organizations of banks and merchants helping to deal with customer incidents.

The error codes are grouped according to their source of origin, and are divided into a set of categories. Note that the collection of error codes presented by this service is a combination of

  1. special error coded codes associated to this OpenID Connect provider
  2. common BankID error codes originating in the common BankID components and infrastructure


Error codes are grouped according to their source of origin and/or type of error based on the first digit(s) of the error code.

D or no prefixErrors originating in the OIDC web client or related to the OIDC platform in general
CErrors related to BankID on mobileXErrors related to xID
SErrors related to signing


IDCategoryEnd user messageActions available

Det har oppstått en feil

Vennligst prøv igjen. Skulle feilen vedvare, ta kontakt med banken som har utstedt din BankID og oppgi følgende kode: OIDC-$

An error has occurred

Please try again. If the error continues to occur, please contact the bank that has issued your BankID and refer to the following code: OIDC-$

Shows a button that tries to reset the error state and re-start the session. 

API error

Errors related to API returning error or bad data

Det har oppstått en feil

Ta kontakt med banken som har utstedt din BankID, og oppgi følgende kode: OIDC-$.

An error has occurred

Please contact the bank that has issued your BankID, and refer to the following code: OIDC-$.

Shows a button that tries to reset the error state and re-start the session.

Communication error

Error connecting to API, networking issues

Det har oppstått en kommunikasjonsfeil

Dersom feilen vedvarer ta kontakt med banken som har utstedt din BankID og oppgi feilkode OIDC-$.

A communication error has occured.

If the error continues to occur, please contact the bank that has issued your BankID, and refer to the following code: OIDC-$.

Shows a button that tries to reset the error state and re-start the session. 

BIM initialization error

Error while initializing BankID on mobile

En prosess finnes fra før.
Det ser ut som det allerede finnes en mobil autentiseringsprosess. Vennligst prøv igjen om noen minutter. Vedvarer problemet kan du ta kontakt med banken og oppgi følgende kode: OIDC-$

A process is already running.
There seems to be a mobile authentication process already running. Please wait a couple of minutes and try again. Refer to the following code if the issue persists: OIDC-$

Shows a button that tries to reset the error state and re-start the session. 

BIM reference error

Error during BankID on mobile reference step

Det har oppstått et tidsavbrudd
Det tok for lang tid å få et svar. Husket du å låse opp telefonen din? Du kan prøve å skru telefonen av og på igjen. Referer til følgende kode ved kontakt med banken din: OIDC-$

A timeout has occurred.
It took too long to receive an answer. Did you remember to unlock your phone? You could try turning your phone off and on again. Refer to the following code if you contact your bank: OIDC-$

Shows a button that tries to reset the error state and re-start the session. 


Unrecoverable error

Error shown after getting into an unrecoverable error state

En feil har oppstått
Vi beklager hendelsen og ber deg lukke siden og starte på nytt. Gjentar feilen seg kan du ta kontakt med kundeservice og oppgi følgende kode: OIDC-$

An error has occurred
We apologise for the inconvenience, and ask you to close the page and try again. Should the error repeat itself, contact support and refer to the following code: OIDC-$

Shows a button that will cancel the session and try to redirect to cancellation endpoint. 

Unrecoverable error (skip)

Returns to cancel authentication immediately due to critical error

None. User is immediately redirected back to cancelAuth endpoint.8_XID

XID error

Shows an XID styled error page 

Det har oppstått en feil
Vennligst prøv igjen.

An error has occurred
Please try again.
Shows a button that tries to reset the error state and re-start the session. 

Cookie Activation Service

None. User is immediately redirected back to cancelAuth endpoint.


40961_GENUnexpected script errorContact BankID support at Vipps.

Occurs if phone number or birthdate is unexpectedly missing after input validation before initializing SIGNBIM.

Invalid phone number or birthdate. If the problem persists, contact BankID support at Vipps.

No IDP has been selected for mobile (BIM/SIGNBIM)

Contact BankID support at Vipps.

Invalid IDP selected for mobile (BIM/SIGNBIM)

Contact BankID support at Vipps.

Method selected, but the IDP argument is missing

Contact BankID support at Vipps.
41011_GENFailed to get session when handling error from IDP during initializationContact BankID support at Vipps.
122881_GENBID helper did not loadProblem loading BankID client. Contact BankID support at Vipps.
122891_GENBID callback gave errorProblem with BankID client. Contact BankID support at Vipps.
122901_GENBID callback missing resultProblem with BankID client. Contact BankID support at Vipps.
122911_GENBID callback status errorProblem with BankID client. Contact BankID support at Vipps.
122921_GENBID helper did not load within a reasonable timeProblem with BankID client. Contact BankID support at Vipps.
140032_APIComposite-idp could not communicate with SDM serverProblem with BankID client. Contact BankID support at Vipps.
40969_CASGeneric errorContact BankID support at Vipps.
40979_CASCould not open set cookie window from iframeContact BankID support at Vipps.
40989_CASCould not set cookie in set cookie windowContact BankID support at Vipps.
40999_CASSending event log took to long (never sent to server)Contact BankID support at Vipps.
41009_CASUser exists client without finishing sessionContact BankID support at Vipps.
41019_CASSet Cookie Window is opened and it's not in correct stateContact BankID support at Vipps.

D - errors related to OIDC

D0101_GENAPI request api/session/{sid}/removeError failed - Likely communication errorContact BankID support at Vipps.
D0111_GENAPI request for generic IDP failed - Likely communication errorProblem connecting to identity provider. Try another authentication method or contact BankID support at Vipps.
D1081_GENAPI request /api/session/{sid}/removeError returned errorContact BankID support at Vipps.
D1121_GENGeneric IDP request returned errorProblem connecting to identity provider. Try another authentication method or contact BankID support at Vipps.
D1032_APIAPI request /api/session/{sid} responded with errorProblem with user session. Contact Vipps BankID support.
D1042_APIAPI request /api/bim/initialize responded with errorProblem with BankID on mobile. Contact Vipps BankID support.
D1052_APIAPI request /api/bid/initialize responded with errorProblem with BankID. Contact Vipps BankID support.
D1062_APIAPI request /api/bim/initialize returned error and /api/session/{sid} did not give errorCodeProblem with BankID on mobile. Contact Vipps BankID support.
D1072_APIAPI request /api/bid/initialize returned error and /api/session/{sid} did not give errorCodeProblem with BankID. Contact Vipps BankID support.
D1142_APIAPI request /api/signbim/initialize responded with errorProblem with signing on BankID on mobile. Contact Vipps BankID support.
D1162_APIAPI request /api/signbim/initialize returned error and /api/session/{sid} did not give errorCodeProblem with singing on BankID on mobile. Contact Vipps BankID support.
D2005_BIMREFBIM polling timed out, answer was not received within the time frame givenBankID on mobile did not receive an answer in time.
D2105_BIMREFSIGNBIM polling timed out, answer was not received within the time frame givenSigning with BankID on mobile did not receive an answer in time.
D0023_COMAPI request /api/session failed - Likely communication errorNetwork error. Try again later or contact Vipps BankID support if the problem persists.
D0033_COMAPI request /api/bim/initialize failed - Likely communication errorNetwork error. Try again later or contact Vipps BankID support if the problem persists.
D0043_COMBoth api/bim/initialize and api/session/{sid} failed - Likely communication errorNetwork error. Try again later or contact Vipps BankID support if the problem persists.
D0073_COMAPI request api/bid/initialize failed - Likely communication errorNetwork error. Try again later or contact Vipps BankID support if the problem persists.
D0083_COMAPI request api/cancelAuth failed - Likely communication errorNetwork error. Try again later or contact Vipps BankID support if the problem persists.
D0093_COMAPI request api/bid/initialize and api/session/{sid} failed - Likely communication errorNetwork error. Try again later or contact Vipps BankID support if the problem persists.
D0133_COMAPI request /api/signbim/initialize failed - Likely communication errorNetwork error. Try again later or contact Vipps BankID support if the problem persists.
D0143_COMBoth api/signbim/initialize and api/session/{sid} failed - Likely communication errorNetwork error. Try again later or contact Vipps BankID support if the problem persists.
D0006_UNRECNo legal action provided from composite-idpContact Vipps BankID support.
D0056_UNRECAPI request /api/bim/cancel failedError while user tried to cancel session.
D0156_UNRECAPI request /api/signbim/cancel failedError while user tried to cancel session.
D1096_UNRECAPI request /api/bim/cancel responded with errorError while user tried to cancel session.
D1196_UNRECAPI request /api/signbim/cancel responded with errorError while user tried to cancel session.
D0017_SKIPSession could not be found by composite-idpProblem with authentication session. Session aborted.
D3007_SKIPNo sid provided from composite-idpSession not found.

C - errors related to BankID on mobile

For action/solution on to any BankID on mobile related errors, see


C2934_BIMINAnother BankID on Mobile session has already started towards the same phone number.
C1314_BIMINA process is already running at this telephone number.
C3025_BIMREFTimeout from the mobile service provider.
C*1_GENAny other BIM related error.


S1001_GENCannot start signing, order not foundCannot find signing order. Make sure that documents are uploaded and signing order is embedded with the authentication request.

X - errors related to xID
