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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PDOIDC and version master


ClaimExampleSupported IDPDescriptionComment
tid754a1771-8f6a-4fa5-b6d7-47d81dda493dAnyTransaction ID 
AnyList of key-value pairs with raw data about the transaction 
transaction_data:BankID_browserNameChromeBankID netcentricUser-Agent name from the end-user device 
transaction_data:BankID_timeZoneEurope/OsloBankID netcentric  Default time-zone from the end-user device 
transaction_data:BankID_osNameLinuxBankID netcentric  Operating system on the end-user device 
transaction_data:BankID_osVersion UnknownBankID netcentric  Operating system version on the end-user device 
transaction_data:BankID_userAgent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/64.0.3282.186 Safari/537.36BankID netcentric  User-Agent string from the end-user device 
transaction_data:BankID_language\"en-US\"BankID netcentric  Default langue setting from the end-user device 
derived_data{...}Any List of key-value pairs with derived data about the transaction 
BankID netcentric  IP address from which the traffic from the end-user device come. 
derived_data:BankID_Alarm_IDxNo alarmsBankID netcentric  List of defined IDx alarms that are triggered for the transaction in question (ID2, ID3, ID4m ID5m ID6, ID8). 
derived_data:BankID_fpf 0BankID netcentric  

Foul Play Factor risk score (0-1). Is an aggregate/composite risk score indicating how suspicious a transaction is considered to be. The threshold may vary as the raw data and relative weighting are subject to continuous analysis and adjustment.

derived_data:BankID_fpf_classificationUnknownBankID netcentric  
Traffic light classification of Foul Play Factor risk score (Green, Yellow, Red, Unknown). 
derived_data:BankID_env 0BankID netcentric  Environment risk score (0-1). Indicates to which extent the transaction is from an environment that the user has used before. The environment is a composite of information relating to the device used, geographic location etc. The closer the score is to 1, the more unknown the environment is for the user.  
derived_data:BankID_env_classificationUnknownBankID netcentric  

Traffic light classification of Environment risk score (Green, Yellow, Red, Unknown).

derived_data:BankID_irs 0BankID netcentric  Infection risk score (0-1). Indicates that data from the end-user device is not as expected. This could be because the device has been infected by a banking trojan or crapware, in the form of html injects or overloaded built-in functions. 
derived_data:BankID_irs_classificationUnknownBankID netcentric  Traffic light classification of Infection risk score (Green, Yellow, Red, Unknown). 
derived_data:BankID_dms 0BankID netcentric  Data manipulation risk score (0-1). Indicates that data from the end-user device is not as expected. This could be because a deliberate attempt has been made to manipulate parameter values. 
derived_data:BankID_dms_classificationUnknownBankID netcentric  Traffic light classification of Data manipulation risk score (Green, Yellow, Red, Unknown). 
derived_data:BankID_ips 0BankID netcentric  IP address risk score (0-1). Based on previous traffic observed from this IP address. It is strongly recommended that if the corresponding classification is Red, all transactions from this IP address the last 3 hours (or more) should be investigated. 
derived_data:BankID_ips_classificationUnknownBankID netcentric  Traffic light classification of IP address risk score (Green, Yellow, Red, Unknown). 
