The default access token structure builds on Keycloack Keycloak and consists of the following three parts:
Note finally that the OIDC Provider form BankID supports signed Access Tokens in JWT format. The below table shows claims in the payload part of the JWT. Claims contained in the JWT header are not shown. See session handling for the life-time of an access token. To cater for access tokens that are either revoked before their expiry, or that have expired prematurely for other reasons, validation of access tokens via Introspect is is supported. Another use of introspection is for eligible resource servers to retrive retrieve confidential claims that are not carried in the access token itself. One such examle is the bankid_altsub
The claims in the Access token is outlined in the table below. The origin column indicates non-standard claims. Such claims are either added by KeycloackKeycloak or the result of customization made by the BankID OIDC Provider.
Claim | Origin | Scope | Example | Description | Comment |
General part | |||||
typ |
Keycloak | none required | Bearer | Token type | Always Bearer for Access Tokens |
allowed-origins |
Keycloak | none required | [ ] | Not in use by the OIDC Provider from BankID | ||
ID part | |||||
| Standard | none required
| See ID Token | |
| Standard | none required
| See ID Token | |
| Standard | none required |
| See ID Token | |
| Standard | none required |
| See ID Token | |
| Custom | none required |
| See ID Token | |
| Standard | none required |
| See session handling | |
| Standard | none required |
| See session handling | |
| Standard | none required | See ID Token | ||
| Standard | none required |
| See ID Token | |
| Standard | none required |
| See ID Token | |
| Standard | none required |
| See ID Token | |
Keycloak | none required |
| See ID Token | ||
| Standard | none required |
| See ID Token | |
| Standard | none required |
| See ID Token | |
| Standard |
| See ID Token | |
| Standard |
| See ID Token | |
| Standard |
| See ID Token | |
| Standard |
| See ID Token | |
api_ver | Custom | none required | 1 | See ID Token | |
Access part | |||||
aud | Standard | none required
| tinfo | Audience | List of VAS-names for which the access token in question is intended |
realm_access |
Keycloak |
| Resource access designator at the OIDC platform level. |
resource_access |
Keycloak |
| {"tinfo: | Resource access designator. |
Access token for electronic signing
The following is an example of a valid access token to the SignDoc resource server. The resource designator signdoc
as well as the role read_write
is added to the resource_access
claim of the access token to signify access to the associated endpoint of the SignDoc resource server API.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ |
" |
exp": |
1629281602, " |
iat": |
1629281302, |
" |
jti": |
"7cc03090-7c8b-4775-9532-51169932adc7", "iss": |
"https:// |
auth.current. |
bankid.no/auth/realms/current", |
"aud": |
"signdoc" |
, |
"sub": |
" |
b9ce6414- |
2ddc- |
46e2- |
8330- |
7f3d59000c64", |
"typ": |
"Bearer", |
"azp": |
"oidc-testclient", |
" |
acr": |
"1", " |
realm_access": { " |
roles": [] |
}, "resource_access": { |
"signdoc": { |
"roles": [ |
"read_write" |
] |
} |
}, |
" |
scope": |
"signdoc/read_write", "clientHost": |
" |
xxx. |
xxx. |
xxx.xx", "clientId": "oidc-testclient", "resource_claims": {}, |
"clientAddress": |
" |
xxx. |
xxx. |
xxx. |
xx" |
} |
Access token for access to userinfo
Below is example of a valid Access Token for access to the TINFO resource server, used in context of the api-userinfo API. The resource designator tinfo
is added to the resource_access
claim of the access token to signify access to various parts of to various parts of the TINFO dataset. Since api-userinfo Userinfo (TINFO Userinfo Endpoints) supports standardized claims, the same set of claims is also included under realm_access
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "jtisub": "a48fecfe2cd7cecd-e4c8d444-48d34685-9a45bb04-b41ded9320338bbfdb45a069", "expresource_access": 1520371229,{ "nbftinfo": 0, { "iatroles": 1520370929,[ "iss": "https://oidc-preprod.bankidapis.no/auth/realms/preprod", "aud": "tinfo", "sub": "b3f4d919-8cc5-413c-9e11-3c2c675b2f8f", "typ": "Bearer", "azp": "oidc-testclient", "nonce": "somecorrelationnonce", "auth_time": 1520370929, "session_state": "bf71d01f-3a7c-474a-92c7-6c395cb95fc6", "name": "Frode Beckmann Nilsen", "given_name": "Frode Beckmann", "family_name": "Nilsen", "birthdate": "1966-12-18", "acr": "2", "allowed-origins": [ "" ], address", "phone", "profile", "email" ] } }, "birthdate": "2018-05-09", "amr": "BID", "iss": "https://auth.current.bankid.no/auth/realms/current", "typ": "Bearer", "bankid_altsub": "9578-6000-4-634582", "originator": "CN=BankID - TestBank1 - Bank CA 3,OU=123456789,O=TestBank1 AS,C=NO;OrginatorId=9980;OriginatorName=BINAS;OriginatorId=9980", "given_name": "Test User", "nonce": "a6c03ff5-936c-4bff-ab98-a9898d37984f", "aud": "tinfo", "acr": "urn:bankid:bid;LOA=4", "realm_access": { "roles": [ "address", "phone", "profilephone", "email" "profile", ] }, "resource_access": { "tinfoemail": { "roles":] [ }, "address"azp": "oidc-testclient", "phone""auth_time": 1629280890, "scope": "openid phone address "profile email", "resource_claims": {}, "emailname": "Test User BankID", ] "exp": 1629281190, } }"session_state": "66801cef-7746-4dd6-a018-43bda5c7002b", "amriat": "XID"1629280890, "preferredfamily_usernamename": "NilsenBankID", Frode Beckmann", "bankid_altsubjti": "9578-6002fc59b32-e1ed-47cb-abf7-87786504912a" } |
Other notes
Warning |
To be prepared for a possible future change from multi-audience access tokens to single-audience access tokens, OIDC Clients are recommended to not include a set of scopesin the same request that affects more that one VAS. The recommended integration practise is to use a series of subsequent requests for access tokens to separate VAS. Using this recommended integration practise will not break backwards compatibility if a single-audience restriction is introduced. For authentication flows involving the end-user subsequent requests can be made via the id_token_hint option for the Authorize endpoint to avoid repeated authentication of the end-user. Note that the OIDC Provider from BankID currently supports multi-audience tokens. If an OIDC Client requests a set of scopes that affect several resource servers, each of the affected services will be listed in the This practise may be changed in a future release of the OIDC Provider from BankID by imposing a restriction to not allow requests for a set of scopes that affect more than one VAS in each request. Introducing such a single-audience restriction has the benefit of giving tighter control since a bearer token in wrong hands gives access to fewer resources. The downside of a single-audience restriction is that integration becomes more complex for OIDC clients since multiple requests must be made, one for each set of requested scopes, to get a series of access tokens, one for each affected VAS.To be prepared for a possible future change from multi-audience access tokens to single-audience access tokens, OIDC Clients are recommened to not include a set of scopesin the same request that affects more that one VAS. The recommended integration practise is to use a series of subsequent requests for access tokens to separate VAS. Using this recommended integration practise will not break backwards compatibility if a single-audience restriction is introduced. For authentication flows involving the end-user subsequent requests can be made via the id_token_hint option for the Authorize endpoint to avoid repeated authentication of the end-user. |