Description | Merger under the same TSP |
Date and time for the merger |
Before the merger:
Step | Description | Responsible | Task | Deadline | Status | Documents and notes |
1) Set up internal routines | The respective TSP or Bank will require to have in place internal routines for move or merger of RA's. | TSP or Bank | Decide the following:
Note that the TSP/Bank is responsible for handling the end user certificates through the whole process, including revoke of old certificates. | PLANNING | ||
2) BITS Approval | The respective TSP or Bank will require BITS approval for the following move or merger before ordering an RA ceremony. | TSP or Bank |
| PLANNING | Information from BITS about the process: Ny kontaktperson når Andreas slutter? | |
3a) If originator name change | The respective TSP or Bank have to fill out required order forms with the new name and send it to BankID signed. | TSP or Bank |
| PLANNING | Order form templates can be found here: Order forms and information Skjema for RA Naming legges her | |
3b) Change the name | BankID will change the name | BankID | BankID will create a change to update the originator with the new name. | PLANNING | ||
4) If no originator name change | No order is necessary. |
After the merger:
Step | Description | Responsible | Task | Deadline | Status | Documents and notes |
5) Renewals | Renewals of end users, merchants etc. As decided in step 1. | TSP and Bank |
This is best done outside of peak hours to reduce the risk of latencies. | PLANNING |