Merger under the same TSP Decide the following: Note that the TSP/Bank is responsible for handling the end user certificates through the whole process, including revoke of old certificates. PLANNING TSP or Bank PLANNING Information from BITS about the process: The respective TSP or Bank have to fill out required order forms with the new name and send it to BankID signed. PLANNING Order form templates can be found here: Misc forms for BankID Support PLANNING Renewals of end users, merchants etc. As decided in step 1. This is best done outside of peak hours to reduce the risk of latencies. PLANNINGDescription Date and time for the merger Other information:
Before the merger:
Step Description Responsible Task Deadline Status Documents and notes 1) Set up internal routines The respective TSP or Bank will require to have in place internal routines for move or merger of RA's. TSP or Bank 2) BITS Approval The respective TSP or Bank will require BITS approval for the following move or merger before ordering an RA ceremony. 3a) If originator name change TSP or Bank 3b) Change the name BankID will change the name BankID BankID will create a change to update the originator with the new name. 4) If no originator name change No order is necessary. After the merger:
Step Description Responsible Task Deadline Status Documents and notes 5) Renewals TSP and Bank