Feature overview
Three different integration flows are available for signing on the BankID OIDC platform. Each flow offers a subset of features summarized in the table below.
The two full flow alternatives give support for the most advanced use cases through utilization of the SignDoc resource server. The simplified flow is an easier integration alternative but is limited to text signing.
PAdES | SEID-SDO | Simple-text | |
Envelope | PAdES | SEID-SDO | |
Signature types |
Document types |
| |
Number of documents | Multiple | Multiple | Single |
| |
Multiple end user signatures in same envelope | Serial signing (PAdES increments) | ||
Customization |
| |
Result content |
A note on BankID on mobile
BankID web client (netcentric) is the default identity provider used for signing. For text-only signing (Simple-text or SEID-SDO) it is possible to use BankID on mobile instead.
In order to use BankID on mobile, the authorization request must contain login_hint=BIM[:[phoneNumber][:birthDate]] as a query parameter.
BankID on mobile has the following limitations:
- Only supports text signing (simplified flow)
- The text can be maximum 118 characters long.
- Only the following character set is supported:
[0-9] [a-z] [æ] [ø] [å] [A-Z] [Æ] [Ø] [Å] [ ][CR] [LF] [#] [$] [%-&] [(-?] [@] [¡] [£] [¤] [¥] [§] [¿] [Ä] [Ç] [É] [Ñ] [Ö] [Ü] [ß] [à] [ä] [è] [é] [ì] [ñ] [ò] [ö] [ù] - Show understanding and show confirmation flags do not apply.
- English locale is not supported.