.Introduction vEspoo
About this document
The purpose of this document is to provide the basics for implementing BankID at merchants. This is a practically oriented document which aims to be independent of BankID client and BankID server implementations. References to other documents are provided where necessary.
The detailed information about the server APIs are contained in separate interface descriptions ([IJSRV] [ICSRV]). These documents are vital when performing an actual BankID implementation.
For a more hands-on approach to implementing BankID, see [BIDG].
The specifications in this document may be updated in future releases to allow for extended services offered in BankID server and BankID client.
Organisation of this document
This document is originally written for the BankID Java Client and this client is no longer supported. Adaptions have been made to make the document suitable to cover BankID App and BankID on Mobile. Please note that only the legacy clients are described here.
Note: The Web-client, which was introduced as a part of the BankID 2.0-project, is described separately. See section 2.1.2 for details.
The document is organised as follows:
- Section 2 presents the principal architecture of BankID and gives an overview of the SDK components.
- Section 3 gives an overview of the task of implementing BankID at a merchant.
- Section 3.1 focuses on implementation of BankID App.
- Section 3.2 focuses on implementation of BankID on Mobile.
- Section 4 discusses migration between test and production environments.
- Section 5 troubleshooting.
- Section 6 address some security issues that the merchant must consider.
- Appendix A contains some key concepts for further understanding of BankID.
- Appendix B contains an overview of services offered by the BankID server.
Target audience
The target audience of this document is the BankID project teams in banks, BankID partners, and technical personnel designing and coding the integration with BankID server.
This document focuses primarily on how application developers should integrate the BankID server applications. It does not describe the process of applying for BankID certificates, key generation, test and activation of certificates and certificate suspending and revocation. Neither does it describe the overall BankID infrastructure. The server APIs are covered in separate documents.
It is important that the reader has an understanding of the basic functionality within BankID. The reader should have read and be familiar with the white paper [WP] before reading this document.
The technical background required by the reader should include C or Java programming, some knowledge of PKI and in particular the use of digital certificates and signatures. An understanding of common web technologies is beneficial.
Acronym | Description |
BSK | Bankenes Standardiseringskontor |
CA | Certification Authority |
COI | Common Operational Infrastructure |
DN | Distinguished Name |
DNS | Domain Name System |
HSM | Hardware Security Module |
HAT | Hardware Activation Tool |
MITM | Man-in-the-middle |
MNO | Mobile Network Operator |
NC | Netcentric Client /Banklagret Klient |
OCSP | Online Certificate Status Protocol |
OTP | One-Time Password |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
SDO | Signed Data Object |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
SSN | Social Security Number |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
UDD | User Dialogue Description |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
VA | Validation Authority |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |
XSL | Extensible Stylesheet Language |
PAdES | PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures |
Referenced documents
Document Type | Name | Reference |
Interface | BankID Interface Description, C Server | |
Interface | BankID Interface Description, Java Server | |
White paper | BankID COI White paper | |
BankID Tools | HAT User Guide | |
BankID Guides | BankID Quick Start Guides | [BIDG] |
Implementation | BankID Implementation Guide Web-client | |
RFC-6960 | https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6960 | [rfc6960] |