

This document contains an overview of the main front-end (Client) components and back-end (infrastructure) components in the BankID 2.1 architecture, including the interrelationship between components. The document also outlines how BankID 2.1 components will interface with merchant components, both in the front-end and in the back-end. The document is an update of the corresponding document for BankID 2.0 and does not provide a separate list of changes since the previous version. The focus of the document is still on changes to the existing BankID solution I.e. banklagret solution, including clients for Java, iOS and Android..

The aim of the document is to establish a tribe-language to fuel further discussions on architecture and implementation across the project organization. This document represents a consolidated architectural view agreed on by BankID Norge, Knowit and Nets in BankID 2.1 project.

The primary purpose of the document is to clarify how the responsibility of each component is split among involved vendors. A secondary purpose is to give other relevant parties a simplified view of the BankID 2.1 architecture.

This document is a deliverable from the BankID 2.1 project. Note that a decision is made to use the term BankID Web-client as the long-term product name eventually replacing the BankID 2.0/2.1 names after the project phase. For the purpose of this document the term Web-client or Client is used to name the client itself, whereas BankID 2.0 and BankID 2.1 are used to name a particular release of the Client.

The document builds on concepts, recommendations and decisions found in a number of deliverables from the pre-study project. The document further builds on the following requirements documents developed by the project:

  • P1305 DL-B- BankID 2.0 - User-experience requirements specification
  • P1305 DL-B- BankID 2.0 - Functional requirements specification
  • P1305 DL-B- BankID 2.0 - Security requirements specification
  • P1305 DL-B- BankID 2.0 - General requirements specification

The overall architecture described in this document is further decomposed and described in a pair of accompanying deliverables at the next level of detail. Note that these documents are both designated TLP;Red:

  • P1305 DL-B-3 BankID 2.1 – Solution description
  • P1305 DL-B-4 BankID 2.1 – Solution description - fraud detection