BankID Releaseweb

BankID Releaseweb

Welcome to BankID Releaseweb

Here you will find information about the following:

  • Planned releases for KMF.
  • Previous releases for KMF.
  • Planned major releases.
  • Previous major releases.
  • Currently, known issues.

New BankID Release in Production - Copenhagen

We have released a new version of BankID. It was deployed in Production on May 29th 2019.

The release comes in two flavors - Merchant and Bank. The documentation is now moved to confluence, and we have separated the documentation into Open, Merchant and Bank.

To access merchant and Bank we will have to add you before you get access - this is a one time process. Please note that for most users the open documentation is enough, you will only need merchant access for implementing a merchant site or bank access if you are implementing a bank site.

If you don't have access to the documentation and need it - please add your name here: https://bidbax.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/27 (you will need to create a password first - then add e-mail addresses). Sorry for the inconvenience.



Link to documentation: https://bidbax.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BIDMERCH/overview

Link to software: /wiki/spaces/DEVPUB/pages/29233182


Link to documentation: https://bidbax.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BIDMERCH/overview

Link to software: /wiki/spaces/DEVPUB/pages/29233182


Link to documentation: https://bidbax.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BIDBANK/overview

Link to software: /wiki/spaces/DEVPUB/pages/29232699

Note: If you experience issue viewing the documentation, even if you have gained access to read then please see the following article here

Active KMF issues in JIRA

key type summary created updated status Status


Official builds

TypeDownloadLast Update

BankID Java Server


BankID C Server (Linux)


BankID C server (Windows)bidcserver-windows-X86-64-5.5.10.zip


HAT tool


Unofficial builds

TypeDownloadLast update
BankID Java server


C server sample code:

Previous releases

Release nameRelease dateRelease notes or KMF
Copenhagen29.05.2019BankID Releasenote Copenhagen - Prod
Kiev22.11.2017BankID Releasenotes Kiev

Closed KMF issues in JIRA

key type summary created updated Status status

Recently updated

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