Tjenestenivå BankID AML
Service availability
The services are available 24 hours a day. The system is installed in a redundant environment to ensure high stability.
Maintenance upgrades and other updates are being installed on a regular base with an interval of about two weeks. Maintenance and updates will usually not lead to any downtime.
Our uptime goal is 99,5 %. To achieve this, we depend on a similar level of availability from our external data suppliers. In case of an incident causing downtime on any of our data sources, all relevant requests from our customers during the incident will of course not be charged.
Response times
The services in BankID AML will on request gather information from a collection of different data sources. The data will then be refined and structured, and PDF reports will be generated and electronically signed. This whole process is time-consuming to a varying degree. For this reason parts of the functionality is exposed through asynchronous interfaces, which means that the response is delayed until all date is completely gathered and refined.
For asynchronous services the response times depend on the scope and extent of the particular request. Our team are continuously working on improving performance in several of these areas.
For synchronous services, our goal is that requests should be replied within 3 seconds.
In the long run, our plan is that a bigger selection of the services will be offered in an asynchronous matter in order to ensure robustness and high reliability.
Error reporting and handling
Operational status, both current and historic, is available through this webpage:
Click the "subscribe to updates" button to receive email notifications whenever there are operational disruptions.
In case of any troubling experience, the customer should contact their selected BankID partner for help.