Beneficial owners

Beneficial owners

The Beneficial owners are listed in both the JSON response and the PDF report.

The root data source of this information is the official registries in the country the search is targeted. For each country, there are major differences in both how the beneficial owners are selected (either through registration or calculation), and what information elements are delivered. See a detailed description of this for each country below.


The beneficial owner is delivered with their name, date of birth, and a reason for why the person is classified as a beneficial owner.

The calculation is made on the basis of current regulations, and it takes into account ownership, roles in foundations, and the right to decide due to special share notes and shareholder classes. The latest available information from the registry of shareholders forms the basis for the calculation.

See a separate document (in Norwegian) about the refresh rate of information in the beneficial owner's service.

Reason to be a beneficial owner

The list of beneficial owners in the PDF report includes a column "reason". The reason is a description of why the system has classified the entity as a beneficial owner.

There are six possible reasons:



Example (NO)
Direct ownershipThe person has direct ownership of a certain percentage above 25%Direkte eierskap (x %)
Indirect control or ownership

The person has control of the company through indirect ownership or control through multiple steps. For each step control of at least 25% is required.

Note that ownership of some specific share class may lead to greater control than the actual ownership percentage, and this aspect is taken into account in the calculation.

Betydelig indirekte eierskap eller kontroll (mer enn 25% i hvert ledd)
Direct role in the foundationThe organization of interest is a foundation. Major roles in such foundations are classified as beneficial owners.Har følgende roller i stiftelsen: a, b
Indirect control through role in some foundationThe person has a major role in some foundation which in the next steps has great ownership (25% each step) in the organization of interest.

Har rolle i stiftelse(r) med betydelig indirekte eierskap eller kontroll (mer enn 25% i hvert ledd)

  • <selskap> (<org.nr>) <roller>
Voting rightsThe person has direct ownership of some specific share class giving voting rights greater than 25%.Aksjeklasse og eierskap gir en beregnet stemmerett på x %
Both voting rights and direct ownershipThe person has direct ownership of some specific share class giving voting rights greater than 25%. The direct ownership percentage in itself is also large enough to classify the person as a beneficial owner.Aksjeklasse og eierskap gir en beregnet stemmerett på x %. Personen har direkte eierskap på y %.


The data source for beneficial owners in Sweden is the "Register över verkliga huvudmän" at Bolagsverket.

The following information elements are delivered for each beneficial owner:

  • Name
  • Date of birth


The data source for beneficial owners in Denmark is "Det Centrale Virksomhedsregister".

The following information elements are delivered for each beneficial owner:

  • Name
  • Date of birth


The data source for beneficial owners in Finland is the "Finnish patent and registration office".

The following information elements are delivered for each beneficial owner:

  • Name
  • Date of birth

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