Test Users

Test Users


See Environments for more details on which environment is suitable for a merchant to test with.


There are currently no available test-users for the production environment.

If merchants choose to test with production in staging areas, they will have to use real BankID-users.

Current and preproduction

Both Current and preproduction uses merchants and users from BankID Preproduction:

BankID test users

For netcentric BankID, we supply a self-service portal for creating test-users in. This self-service portal is available for everybody and can be accessed at: 

A userguide for this service is available at:

BankID on Mobile test users

Test users for BankID on mobile can be ordered at:


There is a limited set of users which can be used for testing with the https://confluence.bankidnorge.no/confluence/display/PDOIDC/AML+(VAS) with the PEP- and Sanction-registers.  

Test tools

More test-tools for BankID can be found at https://bidbax.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DEVPUB/