The AML Service provides data that enable merchants to fullfill requirements related to KYC (Know Your Customer) and/or AML (Anti-Money Laundering). The service is currently available for assessment of individuals (persons) and assumes that the individual is first identified with BankID at the highest level of assurance. The following dataset is offered in addition to the base identity (Name and SSN) provided by BankID:
- Residential address from the national registry ("Folkeregisteret").
- Search results from available sources on PEP (Politically Exposed Person) og RCA (Relative or Close Associate)
- Search results from sanction lists (EU og UN)
The current AML service for persons is available in two variants:
- Identifying the individual via the BankID IDP in the OIDC Provider from BankID
- Identifying the individual via data embedded in a BankID SDO that is the result of an individual signing a document with BankID in the legacy way via BankID Server.
The first variant is associated with a regular end-user OIDC Flows whereas the second variant uses the Client Credential Flow. The AML services responds with the same set of data for both variants. The response from the AML service is currently offered as structured JSON data.
See the following sections for futher details on the current AML service: