The main delivery for Release København is the introduction of a turnkey solution for PAdES (PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures) signing which should take a considerable burden off merchants compared to using the previous release for this purpose. The release also contains changes in the BankID web-client for PSD2 compliance as well as changes in BankID server C and Java for eIDAS compliance. Please note that merchants using BankID C-server must upgrade to the version distributed with this release by June 1530, 2019 latest . (extended from June 15 due to release delay into the production environment).
For an overview of the known issues in this release please refer to https://www.bankid.no/bedrift/utvikler/Kjente-feil-og-mangler--Known-issues/. Information on the blacklisted client combinations can be found on https://www.bankid.no/bedrift/utvikler/blacklist/.