Introduction 6

Introduction 6

This release note contains information about the BankID release København. The release contains a complete set of documentation and software regardless if there have been changes or updates or not. This build of the documentation and software is for the production version of the release. Please refer to Documentation connected to this release and Software connected to this release for an overview of the updated and changed documents and software for this release. 

The main delivery for Release København is the introduction of a turnkey solution for PAdES (PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures) signing which should take a considerable burden off merchants compared to using the previous release for this purpose. The release also contains changes in the BankID web-client for PSD2 compliance as well as changes in BankID server C and Java for eIDAS compliance. Please note that merchants using BankID C-server must upgrade to the version distributed with this release by June 30, 2019 latest (extended from June 15 due to release delay into the production environment).

For an overview of the known issues in this release please refer to https://www.bankid.no/bedrift/utvikler/Kjente-feil-og-mangler--Known-issues/. Information on the blacklisted client combinations can be found on https://www.bankid.no/bedrift/utvikler/blacklist/.

For support or other inquiries please contact us in our support portal