Client error handling

Client error handling

There are a number of situations where errors or unexpected results may occur in the BankID Web-client. The Helper, the Client and the XDM-interface are all involved in front-end error handling. Error handling in a back-end component, including the BankID Server and COI-components, that affects the Client, follows the same protocols as in the existing BankID solution.

Error handling in the front-end concerns the following categories:

  • Errors in loading and initializing the client
  • Exceptional errors during client execution
  • Non-exceptional errors during client execution

The Helper alone may handle some of the errors in the first category. Otherwise, error handling depends on the XDM-interface for the Client to communicate the error condition to the Helper, which is in turn responsible for further delivery to the merchant application. Error conditions can be delivered to the merchant either via a callback or a nextURL as explained in section 2.

In addition the Helper or the Client display a messages to the end-user for any error encountered.