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Login hints (BankID)

The OIDC Provider from BankID supports codification of amr values as part of the login_hint request parameter to the Authorize endpoint. Hence, pre-selection of the BankID IPD along with pre-selection of user ID can be governed by suppling  proper values as shown in the following table.

(tick) = Supported. (warning) = In progress / future support.

BID(tick)BankID netcentric is pre-selected and shown to the user. The user has to type inn his userID in the first dialogue (ie. national identity number)
BID:07025312345(tick)BankID netcentric is pre-selected along with a pre-selected userID (ie. national identity number). The userID dialogue is ommited in this case.
BIM(tick)BankID on Mobile is pre-selected and shown to the user. The user has to type inn his userID in the first dialogue (ie. mobile number and birth date)
BIM:48058567:070253(tick)BankID on Mobile is pre-selected along with a pre-selected userID (ie. mobile number and birth date). The userID dialogue is ommited in this case.
:07025312345(tick)The end user is presented with a selector dialog to determine of BankID netcentric (BID) og BankID on Mobile (BIM) is used, but the userID is pre-selected. Norwegian national number is used for BID and birth date is used for BIM (first 6 digits).