JS Connector

JS Connector

This release of the OIDC Provider from BankID only supports the JS Connector for the xID service.

The JS Connector for xID is hereafter referred to as xID Connect. It is a Javascript helper library that offers simple integration of the xID service for OIDC Clients. xID Connect supports several combinations of integration methods and message flows, each with different user experiences and considerations. The chosen integration method may cause a window, redirect, iframe or inline dialog to appear showing any dialogs relevant for the xID session. Depending on the chosen flow, HTTP endpoints at the back-end of the OIDC Client must be implemented to perform appropriate Token and Userinfo (TINFO) requests to retrieve data about the authenticated user.

The documentation of xID Connect is divided in the following sections. See also full source code examles on GitHub for the use of xID Connect.

Front-end implementation

1. Load xID Connect

Add the following HTML snippet to your OIDC Client front-end :

Example loading xID Connect library
<script async defer src="https://bankidapis.no/js/bid-xid_connect.bundle.min.js"></script>

This will make available an object XID attached to the global window object: window.XID

2. Initialise xID Connect with parameters

In your OIDC Client front-end, listen for the xid-loaded event, and call the initialisation API. Parameters are discussed below.

Example of xid-loaded handler
function onXIDLoaded() {
    // Initialise xID with required parameters
	window.XID.doInit ({
    	// Merchant given client ID on the xID service
		client_id: 'myApplication',
		// The resource scopes merchant want to gain access to for the user
		scope: 'openid address',
    	// Implementation method, open the session in a new window
		method: 'window',
    	// Merchant backend endpoints for performing token/userinfo calls.
		token_endpoint: 'https://example.com/oauth2/token',
		userinfo_endpoint: 'https://example.com/oauth2/userinfo',
document.body.addEventListener( 'xid-loaded', onXIDLoaded, false );


The most important parameters are as follows, some of which are identical to parameters to the Authorize endpoint of the REST API. 

client_idA string specifying the ID given when registering the OIDC Client in question with the OIDC Provider fromBankID. 

A string of resource types (dataset) belonging to the user to request access to.

Each scope / resource type must be separated by space.

methodThe chosen xID Connect integration method as further described below.'window'

The chosen authentication response type govern message flow as further describe below.


Depending on response_type the following parameters may be important:

token_endpointAbsolute URL to HTTP endpoint on OIDC Client back-end to retrieve access/ID token in exchange for authorization code (if using code response_type).
userinfo_endpointAbsolute URL to HTTP endpoint on OIDC Client back-end to retrieve user information using access token.

Other relevant, but optional, parameters include the following, some of which are identical to parameters to the Authorize endpoint of the REST API. 

redirect_uriAbsolute URL to the HTTP endpoint on OIDC Client back-end receiving the authentication response from xID.
(xIDs internal callback handler)

Set the format used when returning parameters from the Authorization Endpoint via redirect_uri

noStepupSet to true to disallow step-up from xID to the BankID IDP.
user_profileSet user info such as NNIN or phone number / birthdate if required for step-up to the BankID IDP.

The full list of parameter list is found in the JS API Reference.

Integration methods

There are several ways to integrate xID in your application, each with different user experiences and considerations. However, the xID functionality and appearance remain the same regardless of the integration method.

A popular (and default) implementation choice is window. When xID Connect is triggered it will open the OIDC session in a new window (pop-up). Note that an user action should trigger this session as otherwise pop-up blockers might block the window.

A DOM element ID can be provided to XID.doConnect() to host an iframe which opens the OIDC session inline in your application.

There is also a special integration which will display a modal dialogue overlaying your application. This method is useful when triggering xID Connect upon loading the application to avoid pop-up blockers. This method is described here XXXX.


(not fully tested)

xID Connect can redirect the user away from your application to a separate web page for the entire xID login session before returning to a given callback URL. When using this method its important to set redirect_uri to point to a HTTP endpoint on the OIDC Client back-end which can receive authorisation code / tokens.

Message flows (response_type)

xID Connect supports each of thefmessage flows supported by the OIDC Provider as governed by the response_type parameter 

Currently, only the authorization code flow is fully functional with xID Connect. Support for implicit/hybrid is coming.

Authorisation code flow

response_type: 'code'

This is the most secure and recommended method as the client_secret is not leaked into the client application. It is also the default method used with xID Connect.

A time limited one-time code, authorisation code, is granted to redirect_uri which in turn can be used to fetch an access token. The access token can in turn be used to fetch user information.

  1. code is returned as parameter in response to redirect_uri:  https://example.com/callback?code=oMsCeLvIaQm6bTrgtp7
  2. The code is exchanged for Access Token and ID Token by sending a HTTP POST request to the xID IDP token endpoint as explained here
  3. Consented user information is retrieved by sending a HTTP GET request to the xID IDP userinfo endpoint as explained here

xID Connect automatically handles the client code for the token exchange and provides API for getting user information for the current session via window.XID.doGetUserInfo  

Never embed or send the client_secret to the client application.

Implicit flow

response_type: 'token'

This flow returns an Access Token directly in the response to redirect_uri, bypassing the client_secret/code exchange from the Authorisation code flow, allowing the request userinfo directly. Meant for OIDC Clients without backend.

Hybrid flow

response_type: 'hybrid'

Combination of code grant and implicit flow. Authorisation code and tokens can be delivered to redirect_uri.

For increased security in a production environment, it is highly encouraged to use nonce and state parameters when interacting with the xID service.

3. Start xID login

To start the xID login process call the window.XID.doConnect() function giving a callback function.

The callback function is provided with the returning accessToken and any error messages if something has gone wrong. For example, by user cancellation.

Example calling doConnect and logging accessToken
// Start xID login providing a callback
window.XID.doConnect( function (err, accessToken) {
	if ( err ) {
    	// handle xID connect error
    else {
        // client is now connected, store ‘accessToken’ if needed

4. Get user info

A common callback action is to fetch user information as the access token stored in the current xID Connect session.

xID Connect provides the API function window.XID.doGetUserInfo() for this task.

Example calling doGetUserInfo() in a callback for doConnect()
function doGetUserInfo() {
	window.XID.doGetUserInfo( function (err, user) {
		if ( err ){
			// handle error
		else {
			// handle user

Back-end implementation

When using authorisation code flow or hybrid flow with xID Connect the library expects the OIDC Client to implement  back-end functions to handle OAUTH requests to receive tokens and user info from xID IDP. The OIDC Client back-end  is needed in order to safely store the required parameter client_secret away from front-end components of the OIDC Client. xID Connect will by default automatically call these HTTP endpoints in this mode.

If you use the implicit flow, there is no need for any OIDC Client back-end.

Token endpoint

When a code is received, xID Connect will call the token endpoint to receive an access_token

xID Connect will store this token in the current client session. For increased security, you may avoid sending this token back to xID Connect request.

URLAs specified in configuration parameter token_endpoint
Request modePOST with parameters as application/x-www-form-urlencoded data
Request parameters

grant_typeGrant type is always authorization_code
codeValue from response of the foregoing Authorize  request
redirect_uriRedirect URI used in the foregoing Authorize request
client_idNot supported since the OIDC clients must always authenticate
xID IDP Response /oauth/token


    access_token: "654fe6f11ad61ceb1697d643b5fc59", 
    token_type: "Bearer", 
    expires_in: 3600, 
    scope: "openid phone address", 
    id_token: "...."  // JWT

For documentation on the corresponding response to xID IDP see Token

Userinfo endpoint

Using the access token (which also could be stored on the server) to access user information xID IDP.

URLAs specified in configuration parameter userinfo_endpoint
Request modePOST with parameters as application/x-www-form-urlencoded data
Request parameters

access_tokenAccess token to be used as authorization to access xID IDP endpoint
token_typeHow access token shall be passed to xID OIDC endpoint (
xID IDO response /oauth/userinfo


"sub": "9578-6000-4-127698",
"iss": "https://preprod.bankidapis.no",
"iat": 1485866449,
"exp": 1485870048,
"preferred_username": "Testesen, Test",
"name": "Testesen, Test",
"given_name": "Test",
"family_name": "Testesen",
"birthdate": "1980-03-09",
"nnin": "09038000010"

For documentation on the corresponding response to xID IDP see Userinfo (TINFO)


JS API Reference


Configuration is set by passing an object to XID.doInit() or the config parameter of XID.doConnect(). The following parameters are supported, some of which are identical to parameters to the Authorize endpoint of the REST API. 

client_idA string specifying the client ID given when registering to the xID central service.

A string of resource types (dataset) belonging to the user to request access to.

Each scope / resource type must be separated by space.

methodThe chosen xID Connect integration method, explained here.

The chosen authentication response type, explained here.

Ex. 'code' or 'token'


Set the format used when returning parameters from the Authorization Endpoint via redirect_uri

token_endpointAbsolute URL to HTTP endpoint on merchant server-side to retrieve access/ID token in exchange for authorization code (if using code response_type).
userinfo_endpointAbsolute URL to HTTP endpoint on merchant server-side to retrieve user information using access token.
redirect_uriHTTP endpoint receiving the authentication response from xID 

Absolute URL to the xID IDP OAUTH endpoint.

Ex. https://preview.bankidapis.no/oauth

Likely never applicable to change.

(default OAUTH endpoint for the xID service)
client_typePreset the OIDC client type, one of XID, BID, BIM or (empty).

Set to true to force the user to always confirm the xID client usage

Corresponds with the login hint forceconfirm


Set to true to always skip the xID client usage confirmation

Corresponds to the login hint directConsent

noStepupSet to true to disallow step-up to the BankID IDP.
user_profileSet user info such as NNIN or phone number / birthdate if required for step-up to the BankID IDP.
stateIncrease security towards cross-site request forgery by verifying this value in the requests and responses
nonceProvide a nonce value for securing the integrity of the id_token 
grant_typeThis field always contains the value authorization_code, as defined in the OAuth 2.0 specification.


XID.doInit( config{...} )

Sets the configuration for the current session towards xID IDP.

configSee Configuration above x

XID.doConnect ( callback(err, data), [config{..}, onActionCallback, inlineOnLoadCallback, inlineModalWindow, inlineElementID] )

Starts xID login session with the given configuration set with doInit().

If an access token is already active, the callback is directly called without calling xID IDP. To avoid this, call XID.doLogout() and try again.


Function to handle response from Authorize call.

Arguments are:

  • err - error messages, if any
  • data - returned object with accessToken
configConfig parameters can be provided which will override session parameters for this session only.
onActionCallbackCalled for each action in xID iframe
inlineOnLoadCallbackCalled onload for injected iframe


Set to true to activate special inline login modal window.

Only active when used with inline integration method.

inlineElementIDID of DOM element to inject xID login iframe into.

XID.doGetUserInfo ( callback(err, user), [accessToken, tokenType, responseType] )


Function to handle response from userinfo call.

Arguments are:

  • err - error messages, if any
  • user - user object with data
accessTokenOptionally provide own accessToken.
tokenTypeOptionally provide own tokenType.
responseTypeSet to token if userInfo request should go directly to oauth endpoint instead of through the middleware.


Removes the current sessions access token and resets xID Connector state. 


Removes the local xID cookies for the current user. (advanced functionality) 


xid-loadedTriggered on document.body element when xID Connect is loaded and ready to receive API calls