Known issues in this release of the OpenID Connect Provider from BankID are further described below in terms of:
The following table summarizes restrictions in this release of OIDC Provider from BankID :
No | Restrictions in OIDC_BID_0.9_Pilot |
R1 | Refresh Tokens are not supported |
R2 | BankID (including BankID on mobile) is the only supported IDP. No Value Added Sevices (VAS) are supported. Future releases will support additional IDPs and VAS-services |
R3 | Signing with the BankID IDP is currently not supported over OpenID Connect. Such support is planned for a future release. |
R4 | The BankID anti-fraud service is currently not supported over OpenID Connect. Such support is planned for a future release. |
R5 | Indirectly connected clients of the known-type via Intermediate Services are currently not supported. Such support is planned for a future release. |
R6 | OIDC client_secret_basic is currently the only supported authentication method for OIDC Clients. Other authentication methods may be added on customer demand. |
R7 | Pure app-based applications using a completely embedded (API-based) user-experience is currently not supported. Such support is planned for a future release. |
R8 | A JS Connector to simplify integration for front-end applications is not supported |
The following table summarizes caveats and know issues in this release of the OIDC Provider from BankID
No | Caveats in OIDC_BID_0.9_Pilot |
C1 | The TINFO-service is a rudimentary early-release that will change significantly in a future verion |
C2 | The TINFO-service is implemented via the Userinfo endpoint and integrated in the OIDC Provider itself. The TINFO-service will be implemented as a stand-alone OAuth2 Resouces Sever in a future release |
The following table summarizes caveats and know issues in this release of the OIDC Provider from BankID
No | Bugs in OIDC_BID_0.9_Pilot |
B1 |