General dialogs

General dialogs

There are a number of dialogs that are part of the BankID 2.0 client, but are not part of the main user flows described above. These are described in the following section.

Error dialogs

After submitting data or initiation of a call to FOI/Merchant, if an error does occur, the user will be presented an error message stating the reason of the session termination.
Error messages that are not described in the above flows are:

Error E04_1

A non-descriptive error informing the user that something has gone wrong, and to try again after restarting the browser. Contains a specific BID error code.


A non-descriptive error informing the user that something has gone wrong, and to try again after deleting temporary files. Contains a specific BID error code.


A non-descriptive error informing the user that something has gone wrong, and to try again after updating the browser. Contains a specific BID error code.


A non-descriptive error informing the user that something has gone wrong, asking the user to contact the bank that has issued the BankID, referring to a specific BID error code.


A non-descriptive error informing the user that something has gone wrong, and to try again after updating the browser. Contains a specific BID error code.


A non-descriptive error informing the user that something has gone wrong, and to try again in 10 minutes. Contains a specific BID error code.


Error message informing the user that the BankID has been blocked due to too many incorrect passwords entered. Informs the user to contact the issuer of the BankID.


Error message informing the user that the HA service has been blocked due to too many incorrect HA codes being entered. Informs the user to contact the issuer of the BankID.


Error message informing the user that the merchant is not identified, and to contact the bank.


Non-descriptive error saying that something has gone wrong, asking the user to try again.


Message from the HA service to the end user.


Error message informing the user that the service requires PersonalBankID. Assumes that the user has attempted to use an EmployeeBankID with a merchant only supporting PersonalBankIDs.


Error message informing the user that the service requires EmployeeBankID. Assumes that the user has attempted to use a PersonalBankID with a merchant only supporting EmployeeBankIDs.


Error informing the user that an error has occured during initialisation of the client. Asking the user to close all browsers and try again. If the error continues to occur, to contact the issuing bank.


Error message informing the user that the client is unable to redirect the user to the location specified by the merchant application.

Informational dialogs

In addition to the above described flows, there are a number of informational pages available in the BankID 2.0 client.

Cert View Merchant

Page displaying the merchant´s PKI certificate. Should be made available to the user from the initial BankID dialog.

Cert View Personal

Page displaying the end user´s personal BankID certificate. Should be made available to the user after successfully providing a User-ID and HA code.

Cert View Employee

Page displaying the end user´s Employee BankID certificate. Should be made available to the user after successfully providing a User-ID and HA code.

Privacy Policy

Page providing the end user information about BankID´s privacy policies.

Broadcast popover

Page displaying a message from BankID Norge to the end user in the initial BankID dialog. This message may be suppressed by the merchant application.

Broadcast details

Page displaying a the detailed message from BankID Norge if the user clicks on the Broadcast popover in the initial BankID dialog. This message may be suppressed by the merchant application.