Installation of BankID Java Server

Installation of BankID Java Server

The name "BankID Java Server" may itself confuse many readers. The word "Server" may indicate that BIDJSERVER is a server-side application that is supposed to be "installed". This is not the case. BIDJSERVER is a java-library that merchants must import into their source code to be able to act as a BankID merchant.

Files supplied by the BankID Java Server distribution

The newest BIDJSERVER files are located in the "BIDJSERVER" directory of the supplied BankID release CD. Note that the RA directory is ONLY distributed to banks. 


Java Libraries (binaries)

 The "libraries" directory contains the bcprov-jdk15on-156.jar, bcmail-jdk15on-156.jar and log4j-1.2.x.jar files the BankID Java server depends on.

Configuring BankID Java Server

BIDJSERVER may be configured to serve several merchants. Each merchant must register a context in BIDJSERVER. This can be done in two ways: 

  1. Using a configuration file
  2. Using the BIDJServer API

Configuring a merchant context in BIDJSERVER is detailed in section 3.1. 

Documentation files (javadoc directory)

The "javadoc" directory contains java documentation of the BIDJSERVER API. 

Supported platforms

BIDJSERVER is tested on the following operating systems: 

  • Microsoft Windows2008 Server 64bits
  • Microsoft Windows2003 Server x86
  • Microsoft Windows2008 Server x86
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 x86
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 x86-64
  • Solaris 10 UNIX Sparc32

Even though not official tested, the BankID Java Server should run on most flavours of Windows, Linux and Unix.

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