Installation of BankID C Server

Installation of BankID C Server

This section gives the reader knowledge of the files supplied by the BankID C Server distribution and where they are located on the distribution media. For more information about the role of a BankID enabled merchant application see [IMPL] and [IMPLW].

Files supplied by the BankID C Server distribution

The files described are located in the "BIDCSERVER vX_X" directory of the supplied BankID release.

Dynamic Link Libraries (libraries directory)

The "libraries" folder contains a subfolder for each supported platform. Each folder contains the files neccessary to implement the BankID C Server for that platform. 

Configuration files (configurationfile directory)

BankID C Server can either be configured to read parameters from a configuration file or have them set programmatically. This directory contains a sample configuration file for merchants who choose the former solution. 

Documentation files (codedocumentation directory)

This directory contains generated html pages describing the API. This documentation basically documents all the API calls issued to BankID C Server. 

Supported platforms

The tested platforms are:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (x86-64) og Windows Server 2016 (x86-64)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 x86-64

BankID C Server is built using the following configurations:

  • Windows (x86-64)
    • Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 14 compiler.
    • May require the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 for the targeted platform (vc_redist_x64.exe or vc_redist_x86.exe).
  • Linux (x86 and x86-64)
    • gcc version 4.3.2 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 141291] (SUSE Linux)

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