Test tools

Test tools

The end-user tools work against a dummy test-merchant. The demosite is a configurable test-merchant in itself.

End-user tools  
Test your browser for BankIDbrowser-testbrowser-test
Test auth with BankIDauthauth
Test single-doc sign with BankID (legacy SDO)sign-pdfsign-pdf
Test single-doc sign with BankID (PAdES)sign-pdf (PAdES)sign-pdf (PAdES)
Test multi-doc sign with BankID (legacy SDO)sign-multisign-multi
Test multi-doc sign with BankID (PAdES)sign-multi (PAdES)sign-multi (PAdES)
Test auth with BankID on Mobiletbctbc
Test sign with BankID on Mobiletbctbc
Demosite BankID 2.1demositedemosite
Demosite BankID 2.0demosite-2.0demosite-2.0

A convenience all-inclusive test tool is available for services that are offered via the Open ID Connect Provider from BankID