Document toolboxDocument toolbox

Signing 1

  1. At startup the loading page dialog is presented. As soon as the init sign request is sent to the client proxy server the s_loading_documents dialog is presented.
  2. Which dialog to be presented next depends on whether the document list contains a PDF-document, the number of documents to be signed, the presence of a broadcast message, and the document display mode and confirmation settings.
    1. If there is at least one PDF-document to be signed the document preloading dialog is presented.
    2. The document list dialog is presented if any of the following is true:
      1. There are multiple documents to be signed
      2. There is a broadcast message
      3. The document display mode is set to window
      4. Confirmation is set
    3. Otherwise the document dialog is presented.
  3. When all documents are preloaded the next dialog is automatically presented without the need for user interaction.
    1. The document list dialog is presented if any of the criteria described in 2b is true.
    2. Otherwise the document dialog is presented.
  4. The document to be signed is presented. The merchant can select between three different settings on how to display documents, called document display mode (docDisplayMode). The selected mode is used for all documents in any given signing process.
    1. Document display mode interior displays the document inside the client with BankID header and footer. This setting works best for short documents or within a large BankID client.
    2. Document display mode overlay displays the document as an overlay above S_controller where the BankID info is. This setting works well if extra space is needed to display the document.
    3. Document display mode window opens the document in a new window or tab. The S_controller, where the BankID info is displayed, acts as the mother window. This setting works well if extra space is needed to display the document and/or to allow the user to resize the document window.
  5. The user can return to the document list by clicking the Back button. The button will only be present when signing multiple documents.
  6. The user can open the menu and choose "Cancel signing".
    1. The C04 dialog is displayed, asking the user to confirm the cancellation of the signing process. Confirming the cancellation terminates the client. Selecting the "Close" button in C04 returns the user to the previous dialog.
    2. If document display mode is overlay or window, the user can Close the document page or window and return to the main dialog (s_controller).
  7. When the user has viewed a document and clicks next, he/she will sign the document by:
    1. Entering User-ID, and verifying with HA service and Password for the first document.
    2. Entering Password for any subsequent documents.
  8. A copy of the PDF-file can be downloaded from any S_P dialog.
  9. The user entered a User-ID and pressed the call-to-action button. The last used HA service will be used, unless in one of the following situations:
    1. If the user has a new HA service that is never used, a HA list will be presented.
    2. If user has both a PersonBankID and an EmployeeBankID – the user must select which BankID Type and related HA service to be used in order to continue.
    3. If HA2 is selected, the dialog S07_ha will be displayed until the user interaction with the mobile device is finished.
    4. If BIM HA is selected and the user only has one BIM HA service, pressing the call-to-action button will cause the dialog S07 to be displayed until the user interaction with the mobile device is finished. The user can go back to choose another HA service (6).
    5. If BIM HA is selected and the user has multiple HA services, the user will be prompted to enter his mobile phone number before the S07 dialog is displayed, until the user interaction with the mobile device is finished.
  10. If the end user has more than one HA service available and at least one of those have not been used, a HA List is provided to the user to choose from. The list is sorted:
    1. New HA service(s) are first in list
    2. HA service in user profile is second in list
    3. The rest of the HA service(s) are ordered by last used
  11. The user has selected a HA service in the list.
    1. If HA2 is selected, the dialog S07_ha will be displayed until the user interaction with the mobile device is finished.
    2. If BIM HA is selected and the user only has one BIM HA service, pressing the call-to-action button will cause the dialog S07 to be displayed until the user interaction with the mobile device is finished. The user can go back to choose another HA service.
    3. If BIM HA is selected and the user has multiple BIM HA services, the user will be prompted to enter his mobile phone number before the S07 dialog is displayed, until the user interaction with the mobile device is finished.
  12. The user can go back to choose another HA service in the list from S03_b, S03_cr_e, S03_m, S03_n, S07_ha.
  13. If BIM HA is selected and the user only has one BIM HA service, pressing the call-to-action button will cause the dialog S07 to be displayed until the user interaction with the mobile device is finished. If the user has multiple BIM HA services, the user will be prompted to enter his mobile phone number before the S07 dialog is displayed.
  14. As the user has completed the interaction with the mobile device, one of the listed dialogs will request the user to input his BankID password.
  15. The user has successfully provided a HA code. Depending on the HA service selected by the user and the type of BankID in use, one of the listed dialogs will request the user to input his BankID password.
  16. The user has successfully provided a password.
    1. The confirmation dialog is displayed when the last document has been processed and any of the following is true:
      1. There are more than one document being processed
      2. The show confirmation setting is true
    2. If the user is signing several documents, the document list (S_Pause) dialog is displayed in between signing each document.
  17. The user entered an incorrect password.
  18. The user can choose to review any processed document during the signing action.
  19. Closing takes the user back to S_Pause.
  20. Selecting a document from the list will present the user with the document to be signed. Similar to item no. 4.
  21. The user can choose to review any document when the signing is finished.
  22. Closing review takes the user back to S_Confirmation.
  23. Signing is finished
    1. If a callback method was provided in the initialisation of the BankID client, this method will be called and the client will terminate.
    2. If no callback method was provided, but a NextURL was provided by the client, the document containing the BankID 2.0 client will be redirected to the NextURL and the client will terminate.
    3. If no callback method and no NextURL were provided, the client will terminate silently.

As described in item no. 6 the user can cancel the process at any point, except in S_confimation. When S_confirmation is displayed the signings process is finished.

Signing User Profile

If the merchant application initiates the BankID 2.0 using UserProfile (entry of User-ID and/or HA service in the merchant application, so that re-entry of these inputs is unnecessary), the transition from Document is directly to one of the HA service dialogs, skipping User-ID input.