Legal notices 9

Legal notices 9

Intellectual property rights
This document is the intellectual property of BankID Norge and/or Nets Norway and/or Knowit and/or Kantega. 

This document is provided as part of the BankID 2.1 project. The information may not be accurate or complete enough for banks, merchants, partners or vendors to rely on without further amendment. 
The document does not create legal rights and does not imply that intellectual property rights are transferred to the recipient or other third parties. 
The document is provided "as is" and BankID Norge, Nets Norway, Knowit and Kantega are not responsible for any errors or omissions. 

The information provided in this document is to be treated confidentially according to: TLP; Yellow (Restricted):

The document is for the intended recipient only. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this document, please send a notification by e-mail to support@bankid.no. If you are not the intended recipient, or do not have the proper authorization to read the document, you must not use, disclose, distribute, copy, print, re-sell or rely on this document and any template material without written consent from BankID Norge.

Questions and comments to this document can be addressed in our support portal