API Reference

API Reference

The JS Connector consists of a set of methods and events along with a set of configuration parameters which are summarized below:


The JS Connector API has the following methods:

OIDC.doInit( { } )

Sets the global configuration used for any doConnect calls.

client_idA string specifying the client ID given when registering to the OIDC central service.

Absolute URL to the HTTP(S) endpoint receiving the authentication response from OIDC.

Read more about how the Connector can help with window/inline management.


Absolute URL to the OIDC Authorize endpoint.

(standard authorize endpoint)
Yes, but default value is shipped

A string of resource types (dataset) belonging to the user to request access to.

Each scope / resource type must be separated by space.

methodSpecify the desired frame method, as explained here
How will the login dialogs be presented to the user?

The chosen authentication response type, explained here.

Ex. 'code' or 'token'


Set the format used when returning parameters from the Authorization Endpoint via redirect_uri

user_profileSet the use of any particularly named Identity Provider along with any pre-configuration for the designated provider. Read more about the login_hint parameter.
stateIncrease security towards cross-site request forgery by verifying this value in the requests and responses
nonceProvide a nonce value for securing the integrity of the id_token
ui_localesProvide the desired locale for the session (nb: Norwegian Bokmål, en: English)

For increased security in a production environment, it is highly encouraged to use nonce and state parameters when interacting with the OIDC service.

OIDC.doConnect ( { callback: function(err, data), config: { }, inlineOnLoadCallback: function(), inlineElementID: ".." } )

Start authentication session with parameters given in an object of key-value pairs.


Function callback that is called when JS Connector receives XDM events as explained here.

Arguments are:

  • err - error messages, if any
  • data - returned object with accessToken, nonce etc.
configAn object with key-value pairs of configuration parameters can be given that can override any parameters given in doInit.
inlineOnLoadCallbackSpecify a callback function that will attach to the onload event for the injected iframe when using inline method.
inlineElementIDA string containing the ID of a DOM element that will have the OIDC login iframe injected into.
Required when using inline method

OIDC.doGetUserInfo ( callback(err, user), [accessToken, tokenType, responseType] )    (experimental)


Function to handle response from userinfo call.

Arguments are:

  • err - error messages, if any
  • user - user object with data
accessTokenOptionally provide own accessToken.
tokenTypeOptionally provide own tokenType.
responseTypeSet to token if userInfo request should go directly to oauth endpoint instead of through the middleware.


The following custom events are relevant for the JS Connector.

Event for loading JS Connector

oidc-connector-loadedTriggered on document.body element when JS Connect is loaded and ready to receive API calls

XDM Events for redirect_uri communication

When using method window or inline, you can use Cross-domain messaging (postMessage) or XDM in the callback page.

This way you can trigger the following events to seamlessly integrate with the JS Connector on the parent page.

oidc-connector-response-dataAuthentication success, returns an Object with the authentication response data given.
oidc-connector-errorAuthentication error, returns an Object with error information.