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Userinfo (TINFO Userinfo Endpoints)


GET without any parameters

POST is not supported

AuthenticationAccess Token as Bearer Token in Authorization Header
Success response200 OK with JWT containing response elements
Error response401 Unauthorized with standard error response if the bearer token is not accepted for any reason
ExampleSee below

This method provides additional information about an end user beyond what is contained in the ID Token. The end user in question is given by the sub value contained in the access token. The implementation of userinfo is according to the OpenID Connect  standard.

Response elements

Userinfo returns signed responses in JWT format. The claims contained in the encoded JWT includes supported standard TINFO claims  along with the following additional claims:

iss<tinfo-baseurl>TINFO Resource Server
audoidc-testclientRequesting OIDC client


Userinfo request

Decoded response
  "iss": "",
  "sub": "9578-6000-4-30799",
  "aud": "oidc-testclient",
  "name": "Frode Beckmann NIlsen",
  "given_name": "Frode",
  "family_name": "NIlsen",
  "updated_at": 1519992419860,
  "email": "",
  "birthdate": "181266",
  "phone_number": "95871775",
  "address": {
    "formatted": "Lybekkveien 11C\nOslo 0772",
    "street_address": "Lybekkveien 11C",
    "locality": "0772",
    "postal_code": "Oslo"