BankID AML in B2B scenarios

BankID AML in B2B scenarios

In B2C scenarios, BankID AML can quite easily be integrated into an existing digital on boarding process. In many B2B scenarios, there is no pre-existing onboarding process that BankID AML can be integrated into. The Merchant might have to create a new web application for this, and do more preparations before starting the process, but the BankID AML product can be used in a similar way as with B2C use-cases.

  1. Preparations: the Merchant has to find out which persons (for example beneficial owners) that need to be screened in the due diligence process. Steps 2-5 repeated for each
  2. Notification: the legal persons that are to be screened should receive a link to the Merchants Web application (by email or SMS)
  3. Authentication / Identifcation 
  4. Data searches 
  5. Storing the data
  6. Evaluation

Please note that for conducting due diligence on benificial owners, prior legitimation is not required by law. However BankID AML at the time of launch does only support data searches directly after a bankID authentication. In the near future we aim to support these use cases without an initial authentication.