Use cases for the organization resource

Use cases for the organization resource

Usage when onboarding a business customer

When onboarding a B2B customer, the merchant will need to acquire base company data. Typically, the process will be started by sending in the organization number and requesting the organization resource. In addition the merchant receives information about relevant roles in the company that are to be legitimized or pep/sanction screened. The response contains the name and birth date of the roles, and this can be used to request the person resource for each of these roles. The merchant should carefully consider how to ensure the quality of the data in the best possible way, as not all official registries are in real time.

When all the data is aquired, in addition to information the company gets directly from the customer, the merchant can evaluate the risk level of the customer and consider further measures.

Usage during ongoing customer due dilligence

There might also be reasons to use organization at other times for a B2B customers. It can be used for routine checking if the roles have changed, demanding new persons to be legitimized or to be  screened for PEP/sanctions.

If the existing customer database is lagging behind the requirements in the AML requirements, the organization resource can be helpful to close the gap. Reasons for being in this situation can be

  • that the merchant has not previously been covered by the AML legislation
  • that the new AML legislation is stricter when it comes to documentation of the process
  • that AML routines has not been of high enough priority.

Choosing the correct strategy for the best data quality

It is well known that the registries do not always have updated information. The merchant should consider how to ensure the quality of the information, to ensure  best possible customer control, and storing personal data only about the correct people. The customer himself is a good source of data, but if the questions asked are too numerous or complicated it might be so much cognitive burden on the customer that the data provided might be low. the merchant should therefor carefully plan how to balance ease of use and efficiency with achieving the best possible data. 

Double checking with information from the customer himself

One strategy to ensure data quality is to ask the customer about all the data, and use data from the organization resource to double check, considering further measures if they do not match.

Customer validation of the information 

Another strategy is to use the data for the organization resource to pre-fill a digitalform that is sent to the customer for validation/correction. In the same form the customer can be asked for other information that is needed, and is not  supplied by the organization resource. This might reduce the cognitive burden on the customer, and might make it easier to supply correct information. On the other hand, the merchant should be aware that a pre-filled form might also lead the customer to focus less on the pre-filled parts of the form, thereby lowering the quality of their data.

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