Fraud Data

Fraud Data

Please note that access to the Fraud Data service is open to BankID issuing banks. The service may be made available to BankID merchants in the future; however, no such plans exist as of yet.

Furthermore, please note that the service is currently only available for the netcentric BankID Identity Provider. Support for other identity providers may be added in the future.


The Fraud Data service offers the possibility to access risk data related to a recent authentication transaction. Clients may request either raw data, derived data (i.e. traffic light classification) or both. Please refer to Scopes and Claims (Fraud Data) for a more extensive list of the types of risk data that are available.

The Fraud Data service is available in both pre-production and production environments. However, due to the relatively low transaction volumes in pre-production, derived data from the BankID Fraud Detection system in this environment are of considerably less quality than the derived data stemming from the production environment. The raw data are of the same quality in both environments.

To gain access to the service, the following prerequisites need to be in place:

  1. A dedicated BankID merchant certificate, provisioned with access to the service;
  2. A registered client in the environment in question, with granted credentials to the service.

The former must be requested with the BankID Registration Authority (i.e. the bank issuing the merchant certificate). The latter should be requested when requesting access to the BankID service, see Provisioning.

Next steps

Check out the securityData API for technical details regarding this service.

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