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Product Overview

Space OwnerOle Petter Aasen
Space AdminOle Petter Aasen

Products from BankID Norway use the following naming convention:

<platform qualifier> <product shortname>

The individual software components and/or programming interfaces that constitute a given product are beoynd the scope of these naming conventions. Naming of such components and interfaces is considered an internal matter in development.  

Platform qualifier

Products from BankID Norway are currently provided on distinct platforms: 

  • COI: Products that are deployed and operated in the Common Operational Infrastructure (COI) at Nets Norway Infrastructure:
  • OIDC: Products that are deployed and operated in conjunction with the OpenID Connect Provider (OIDC) at Basefarm.
  • OTHER: Products that are deployed and operated in other ways than via COI and OIDC.

A product named NNN uses the platform on which it is provided as a naming qualifier:

  • If product NNN is provided via COI its qualified name is COI NNN
  • If product NNN is provided via OIDC its qualified name is OIDC NNN
  • If produxt NNN is provided in other ways its qualified name is OTHER NNN

Product shortname

The following product shortnames are currently defined:

Plaform qualifierProduct nameDescription
COICOMMONCommon features in BankID
COIBID-AUTHNetcentric auth service via legacy BankID Server
COIBID-SIGNNetcentric sign service via legacy BankID Server
COIBIM-AUTHBankID on Mobile auth service via legacy BankID Server
COIBIM-SIGNBankID on Mobile sign service via legacy BankID Server
COIFRAUD-DETECTIONBankID fraud-detection service
COIXID-BIDUse of xID in BankID netcentric to save the user from entering his userid (ssn)
OIDCCOMMONCommon features of the OIDC Provider from BankID
Ie. features that are independent on any Identity Provider (IDP)- or Value-Added Service (VAS)-module
OIDCBID-AUTHNetcentric auth service via OIDC
OIDCBID-SIGNNetcentric sign service via OIDC
OIDCBIM-AUTHBankID on Mobile auth service via OIDC
OIDCBIM-SIGNBankID on Mobile sign service via OIDC
OIDCBAPP-AUTHBankID App auth service via OIDC
OIDCBAPP-SIGNBankID App sign service via OIDC
OIDCXIDxID service via OIDC
OIDCFRAUD-DATAFraud data (risk scoring) via OIDC
OIDCPSD2PSD2 service via OIDC
OIDCAMLAML (Anti-money laundering) service via OIDC
OTHERLPAGELandingpage for XID service
OTHERTOOLSTools-site for COI-services