Full flow SEID-SDO API and implementation guide

Full flow SEID-SDO API and implementation guide

Full flow SEID-SDO API and implementation guide.


  1. Merchant request an access token with the signdoc/read_write scope to be used in request to the SignDoc resource server.
  2. Merchant creates the sign order by sending a request to the SignDoc resource server and receives a reference, i.e. sign_id.
  3. The signing transaction is initiated by adding the sign scope and the sign_id reference as query parameters to the authorization request.

  4. End user performs the signing using the BankID web client (netcentric).
  5. Merchant downloads the signing result from the SignDoc resource server.

Sign order expiration time

The sign order will expire in 90 seconds after it is created if user signing is not initiated (i.e. request to authorization endpoint).

The timeout for the sign order when user is signing is determined by the timeoutSeconds (default 1800 seconds) specified when the order was uploaded.

After the user has signed the order, the sign order will be valid for another 90 seconds before it expires.

Sequence diagram

Granting access to the SignDoc resource server

Requests to the SignDoc resource server requires an access token with the signdoc/read_write scope.
See Access Tokens sign for more details.

Upload sign order to SignDoc resource server

POST [signdoc-baseurl]/signdoc



AuthorizationBearer access_token

Request body

KeyType / DescriptionExample JSON

JSON object:

keytypedescriptiondefault value
orderNamestringOrder name(required)
documentDisplayModestringMust be "interior", "window" or "overlay"."interior"
showConfirmationbooleanShow "Signing completed" in client after signing.true
showUnderstandingbooleanShow box for "Content is understood" in client.true
timeoutSecondsintegerTimeout in seconds for end user signing.1800
"signProperties": {
"orderName": "My order name",
"documentDisplayMode": "interior",
"showConfirmation": true,
"showUnderstanding": true,
"timeoutSeconds": 1800


JSON array of documents to be signed (minimum one).

The document to be signed is represented as a JSON object:

keytypedescriptiondefault value

Description of document. Displayed to end user in client.

If not specified, orderName from signProperties will be used combined with a number,
e.g. "My order name - 1" for the first document.

textstringText to sign.(optional)*
pdfstringBase64 encoded PDF.(optional)*
xmlstringXML. Must be used together with "xsl".(optional)*
xslstringXML Stylesheet. Must be used together with "xml".(optional)*

*Each document must provide a value for either "text", "pdf" or the pair "xml" and "xsl".

"documents": [
"description": "My PDF document",
"pdf": "JVBER..."
"description": "My text",
"text": "My text to sign...",
"xml": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?> ...",
"xls": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?><xsl:stylesheet ..."

JSON array of string.

The string values will determine the content result when retrieving a completed sign order:

  • "basicSignature": Result contains the end user and merchant signatures (in ISO-8859 text format)
  • "documentHash": Result contains the SHA256 hash over the documents to be signed (in UTF-8 text format).
  • "sdo": Result contains the documents and signature data in the SEID-SDO format.
["basicSignature", "documentHash", "sdo"]


Content-Type: application/json

CodeDescriptionExample JSON response content
201 CreatedSuccessfully created sign order.
"sign_id": "2a8d69ba-2607-9a1e-9e60-bdb6cc67eacf",
400 Bad requestCould not create order due to error in request.

An order must have a name - Please provide reference: GHIjKl if reporting the problem.

403 Forbidden

Access token is invalid or missing.

AccessToken is invalid - Please provide reference: GHIjKl if reporting the problem.

Example request

POST [signdoc-base-url]/signdoc
Request body:
"signProperties": {
"orderName": "My order name",
"documentDisplayMode": "interior",
"showConfirmation": true,
"showUnderstanding": true
"documents": [
"text": "My text to sign"
"description": "My PDF order",
"pdf": "JVBER..."
"resultContent": [

See also additional examples on bottom of this page.

Check status of sign order

GET [signdoc-baseurl]/signdoc



AuthorizationBearer access_token

Query parameters

sign_idstringThe sign_id that was returned when creating the sign order.


CodeDescriptionExample JSON response content
200 OK

Sign order was found. Returns the order state.

Possible values are:


204 No ContentSign order was not found
400 Bad RequestThe query parameter sign_id was not provided.
403 ForbiddenAccess token is invalid or missing.

Example request

GET [signdoc_baseurl]/signdoc/pades?sign_id=2a8d69ba-2607-9a1e-9e60-bdb6cc67eacf

Delete sign order and download signing results

DELETE [signdoc-baseurl]/signdoc

The sign order will be deleted if this request is made, regardless of sign order state.



AuthorizationBearer access_token

Query parameters

sign_idstringThe sign_id that was returned when creating the sign order.


CodeDescriptionExample JSON response content
200 OK

Sign order was found.
Returns signing results, sign_id, order state and order name.

If order is not completed, i.e. order state is not "SIGN_COMPLETED", the signing results will be an empty array.

The content of the signing results depends on the values pass to the resultContent array when creating the order:

  • "basicSignature": Result contains the end user and merchant signatures (in ISO-8859 text format)
  • "merchantSignatures":
    • Array of merchant signatures in ISO-8859 text format for each document in the same order they were provided when creating the sign order.
    • Set by "basicSignature" in resultContent when creating order.
  • "endUserSignatures":
    • Array of end user signatures in ISO-8859 text format for each document in the same order they were provided when creating the sign order.
    • Set by "basicSignature" in resultContent when creating order.
  • "sdos":
    • Array of base64 encoded SEID-SDOs (unpack to UTF-8) in the same order they were provided when creating the sign order.
    • Set by "sdo" in resultContent when creating order.
  • documentHashes":
    • Array of SHA256 hash over the documents to be signed (in UTF-8 text format) in the same order they were provided when creating the sign order.
    • Set by "documentHash" in resultContent when creating order.
"documentHashes": [
"merchantSignatures": [
"sdos": [
"endUserSignatures": [
"clientId": "my-oidc-client-id",
"signId": "2a8d69ba-2607-9a1e-9e60-bdb6cc67eacf",
"orderState": "SIGN_COMPLETED",
"orderName": "My order name"
204 No Content

Sign order was not found.

This could be caused by timeout or an invalid sign_id.

400 Bad RequestThe query parameter sign_id was not provided.

signId should not be empty - Please provide reference: GHIjKl if reporting the problem.

403 Forbidden

Access token is invalid or missing.Could not find accessToken - Please provide reference: GHIjKl if reporting the problem.

Example request

DELETE [signdoc-baseurl]/signdoc?sign_id=2a8d69ba-2607-9a1e-9e60-bdb6cc67eacf

Additional examples of sign order upload requests to SignDoc resource server

Simplified sign flow expressed like a full flow

The signing order below behaves identically to the simplified flow given by sign_txt=VGhlIHNpbmdfdHh0IGdpdmVuIGlzIHBsYWNlZCBoZXJl

"signProperties": {
        "documentDisplayMode": "interior",
    "documents": [
"text":"The sign_txt given is placed here"
    "resultContent": [

SEID-SDO: Two texts and one XML

"signProperties": {
"orderName": "test order",
"showUnderstanding": "true",
"showConfirmation": "false",
"documentDisplayMode": "overlay"
"resultContent": [
"documents": [
"description": "my first document to sign",
"text": "Testing å and ø...."
"text": "Short version of a document having two linefeeds\n\ndescription when listet in BankID WebClient should be 'test order - 2"
"description": "An xslt transformation",
"xml": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?><Persons><Person><Name>Ola Normann</Name><Street>Olaveien 99</Street><Zip>0014</Zip><City>Oslo</City></Person><Person><Name>Kalle</Name><Street>Ibsens veg 30</Street><Zip>9876</Zip><City>Stockholm</City></Person><Person><Name>Kari IngridsDottir</Name><Street>Nedre Sofustrøa 2</Street><Zip>7070</Zip><City>Bosberg</City></Person><Person><Name>Olava Olsen</Name><Street>Øvre Strete 12</Street><Zip>2211</Zip><City>Sørpå</City></Person></Persons>",
"xsl": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?><xsl:stylesheet version=\"1.0\" xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\"> xsl:output method=\"html\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" doctype-system=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\" doctype-public=\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" indent=\"yes\" /><xsl:template match=\"/\"><HTML><BODY><h2>Eksempel på XML/XSL.</h2><p>Under er en liste personer tatt fra XML-en</p><ul><xsl:for-each select=\"Persons/Person\"><xsl:if test=\"0 = position() mod 2\"><li style='color:red'><xsl:value-of select=\"Name\"/>,<xsl:value-of select=\"Street\"/>,<xsl:value-of select=\"Zip\"/>,<xsl:value-of select=\"City\"/></li></xsl:if><xsl:if test=\"1 = position() mod 2\"><li style='color:green'><xsl:value-of select=\"Name\"/>,<xsl:value-of select=\"Street\"/>,<xsl:value-of select=\"Zip\"/>,<xsl:value-of select=\"City\"/></li></xsl:if></xsl:for-each></ul></BODY></HTML></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>"

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