Organization resource

Organization resource


API documentation

See Organization API documentation for detailed documentation.

See also the Organization API expands overview.

How to query the resource

Specify the organization

Use either the organizationNumber parameter or the dunsNumber parameter.

Using the "expand" parameter

By default, only a basic dataset with key information elements is returned. To select more data, the expand parameter must be provided in the request. Se Organization API expand parameter documentation.


request address, official roles, and link to AML PDF report

Response elements

InformationJSON pathDetails
Key InformationkeyInformation

(delivered by default)

  • Company name
  • Org number
  • DUNS number
  • Organization type
  • Country
  • Registered date
  • Webpage
  • Employees
  • Member of registries
  • status code
  • institutional sector
  • industry sector
  • purpose
  • Sources
LEI numberkeyInformation.lei
  • Postal address
  • Visiting address
Financials: Accountingfinancials.accountingLast tree years
Financials: Key figuresfinancials.keyFiguresShare capital, turnover, operating profit, equity, earnings, sources, accounting years
Financials: Auditorfinancials.auditorName, org number, sources
Financials: Creditfinancials.credit

Rating AAA etc.

Financials: Credit history

financials.credit.historicalLast tree years

Financials: Accountant

financials.accountantName, org number

Ownership: Beneficials


Name, address, owner share, date of birth, roles

Ownership: Subsidiaries


name, org number, percentage (owned by the company)

Ownership: Shareholdersownership.shareholders

name, org number, percentage, type (organization or person) 



Here you will find: signature rights and power of procuration.

Official Roles


Roles delivered:

CEO, chairman, deputy chairman, proprietor, board members, deputy board members, contact person, company secretary, representative foreign entity, trustee



Status, message (if no hit), matchIndicator, matchIndicatorDescription,

aliasList, address, source (listname), data provider (source) Initial date, LastUpdate 

PDF Reports:

  • Certificate of registration
  • AML
links.reportsNote: Credit report is planed for future release.

The following expand arguments are present in the API docs, but they are currently not supported until the associated functionality becomes available in a future release.

  • links.reports.credit

Empty nodes

Note that if a particular response element is requested (typically through expand parameter), but no information could be found in the source, an empty JSON node is returned to dictate that a search has been done.

Interpreting the "authorities" response

The "authorities" node delivers both

  • a human readable description of the company's signature rights and power of procuration
  • and, for a wide range of cases, a machine readable specification of the same information

Example of CONCLUSIVE signature rights (machine readable)
"authorities": {
    "signatureRights": {
      "status": "CONCLUSIVE",
      "description": "Daglig leder alene. Styrets leder alene.",
      "options": [
          "required": [
              "name": "Lars Leder",
              "dateOfBirth": "1962-02-13",
              "role": "CEO"
          "required": [
              "name": "Siri Hansen",
              "dateOfBirth": "1973-04-01",
              "role": "CHAIRMAN_OF_THE_BOARD"
    "powerOfProcuration": {
      "status": "NOT_SET"
Example of IN_CONCLUSIVE signature rights (only human readable)
"authorities": {
    "signatureRights": {
      "status": "IN_CONCLUSIVE",
      "description": "To styremedlemmer i fellesskap. Daglig leder alene. Styrets leder alene."
    "powerOfProcuration": {
      "status": "NOT_SET"

The "description" element in the response contains the full natural language description of the signature rights, unchanged and on the same format as written in the "Brønnøysundregisteret" data source

In many cases, the BankID AML service manages to express the same information on a machine readable format.

The "status" element specifies this categorization:

  1. CONCLUSIVE - The signature rights description is a clear and specific list of alternative sets of people. A machine readable specification is offered.
  2. IN_CONCLUSIVE - The signature rights description is complex, and a machine readable specification has not yet been implemented.
  3. NOT_SET - The signature rights or power of procuration has not been specified for the company.

The "options" elements is only included in the response when status is CONCLUSIVE. The content is a list of signature rights alternatives, where each alternative contains a list of the specific required people. In a future release, this functionality may be extended to express more complex variants.

Understanding the NOT_SET status

NOT_SET means the company has not specified the people with signature rights or power of procuration.

For signature rights in general, the understanding of this should be that the entire board of the company is required when signing documents.

When it comes to power of procuration, NOT_SET means the company has not defined any procura, and the persons with regular signature rights must handle all signatures.

Test data

Example test organizations have been prepared in the test environment (Current).