The organization resource

The organization resource

The organization resource provides information about companies  in the context of a AML customer due diligence process. The information provided is either clearly referenced in the AML legislation, or is relevant for risk profiling or other aspects of the due diligence process.

Information provided:

  • Key information about the company, such as the number of employees, the purpose, or the adress.
  • Financial or credit scoring information
  • Information about roles that require legitimation or PEP/sanction screening
    • Calculation of who are the beneficial owners, based on the direct and direct ownership in the shareholder registry.
    • Board members, CEO and other roles
    • Registred holders of power of attorney or other relevant authorizations
  • The shareholders
  • Sanctions on the company itself, if any.

Please note that the information provided is based on what is available in the registries. The merchant should always consider if the information retrieved should be cross-referenced with information retrieved directly from the customers, or if the information should be verified by the customer.