AML changelog

AML changelog

The AML resource server is running as a separate service and has its own release cycle different from the rest of the OIDC platform.

Changes in V30

Release date: 2020-03-24


Introducing real-time status information about the AML services with the new status page: https://bankid-services.statuspage.io/


Organization: variants of signature rights where exactly one board member must sign are now handled as conclusive.

3Citizenship has been added as a new return value on sanction results

Signature rights now may come with a list of remarks (both in JSON and PDF report).

There are three categories of remark:


There are known exceptions to the rule. A common example is that there exist deputy board members that could sign on behalf of the main board members.


The signature rights text is overridden by the system. A common example is if the registered text in Brreg is empty.


The signature rights text could normally be handled as CONCLUSIVE, but the roles described are not documented. The service will instead return IN_CONCLUSIVE as a fallback. 

This feature is new and slightly experimental. We might need to make changes in this area after customer feedback.

5Fixed a bug in the validation of organization number ending with '0'.

Changes in V29

Release date: 2020-03-10


Introducing a timeout of 9 seconds on the person and organization resource endpoints, so all requests can be excepted to give a response within this time limit.


Person report: Sanction results will contain an explicit note when the birth date is different than the search criteria.

In the JSON response, a new data element "queryMismatch" is introduced to inform about the same thing.

3Invalid organization number is handled as HTTP 400 bad request

Monitor: Introducing a new data element "hitType" on alerts. The enum comes in two variants:

  • MATCH: the person has been added to a sanction or PEP list
  • REMOVED: the person has been removed from a sanction or PEP list

Person test data: search on date of birth is now possible

6Organization test data: purpose is returned

Changes in V28

Release date: 2020-03-03


Person resource: Removes duplicates in the list of historic addresses.


Person resource: postal code and city were sometimes presented in a mixed and incorrect matter. The values are now cleaned automatically.


Person report: Removed all mentions about fuzziness when the exact mode is enabled.

  • Changed the label regarding «search mode».
  • In addition, the information about «quality of name match» is now only present the search mode is «fuzzy».

Organization report: Empty chapters headlines are excluded when the specific content is not requested.

5Organization report: Fixed a bug causing a chapter to be missing in some rare cases.

Monitor: EuAndUn template is now the default.


Monitor: Introducing «seek pagination» support in the «get alerts API». See API docs.


Monitor: Improved validation and error handling in API.


Monitor: Fixed a bug in the «delete alert» functionality.

Changes in V27

Release date: 2020-01-30

1Signature rights referring to an undefined role are now marked as inconclusive
2Cases of missing signature rights in Brreg is more precisely described as "Signaturrett er ikke oppgitt i Brreg"
3The name of the role "Styreformann" is changed to "Styrets leder" in PDF reports

Changes in V26

Release date: 2020-01-20

1All PDF reports have been redesigned with a new look
2Added "instant alert" feature in continuous screening test simulator
3The old person API is marked as deprecated
4Fixed a bug leading to missing addresses from Posten in some rare cases

Changes in V25

Release date: 2020-01-07

1Fixed a bug leading to missing financial data returned from the organization resources in some cases.
2Improved performance in the organization api.
3Continuous screening: The "import all customers" step is no longer a requirement for initialization of a new monitor
4Minor design improvements in the organization pdf report

Changes in V24

Release date: 2019-12-16


Added support for retrievement of the individual's historic names in the person resource. (Note: requires new expand parameter)

2Minor design improvements in the organization pdf report
3The pdf report from the new Person API now contains a note about BankID authentication
4More signature rights are handled as "conclusive"

Changes in V23

Release date: 2019-12-04

1More signature rights are handled as conclusive in the organization resource.
2Presents a physical description of sanctioned persons in the PDF report.
3Improved organization test data.

Changes in V22

Release date: 2019-11-19

1Organization test data in the "Current" environment. Production data is no longer available.

Added information elements in organization PDF report:

  • status code
  • purpose

Changes in V21

Release date: 2019-11-11

1Added support for person search against The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanction list.

Introduced new signature rights API element ("authorities") in the organization resource.

  • the old "authorizations" node is now deprecated
3Introduced the "identity" API element in the person resource.
4New hard-coded test data in the test environment
5Added support for more official roles in the organization resource.
6A collection of small improvements in the organization resource.

Changes in V20

Release date: 2019-10-16

1Test simulator support in the continuous screening service
2Support for name and birthdate request parameter in the continuous screening service
3Support for DUNS number request parameter in the organization resource
4Improvements in the person resource PDF reports

Changes in V19

Release date: 2019-09-23

1Person API v2 (pilot)

Changes in V17

Release date: 2019-08-13

1Continuous screening (pilot)

Changes in V10-V11

A collection of PDF report improvements and other minor improvements.

Changes in V9

NoChanges in 2019-03-28 V9 (AML)
1Added support for an accounting firm as part of organization resource


Changes in V8

NoChanges in 2019-03-27 V8 (AML)

Bugfix in monitor

Changes in V7

NoChanges in 2019-03-25 V7 (AML)

Added match indicator description in Sanction / Pep PDF report

2Added SSN (when used as a search parameter) in Sanction / Pep PDF report
3Added dummy PDF report in organization resource for testing purposes

Changes in V6

NoChanges in 2019-03-12 V6 (AML)

New Organization resource with support for

  • key information
  • address
  • sanction search result
  • official roles in the company
  • ownership (shareholders etc)
  • signature rights
  • key financial figures
  • auditor and accountant company
  • credit score (limited access)
2The previous scope aml_person/noauthentication has been removed from the scopes list, and it is no longer a requirement to request the "no authentication" variant of the service. Scope aml_person/basic is now the only requirement.