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Scopes and claims (TINFO)

The set of claims supported by TINFO viaĀ Userinfo (TINFO) is shown in the below table. Supported claims contain both standard itemsĀ Ā andĀ custom additions for the OIDC Provider from BankID.Ā The standard claimsĀ iss,Ā sub,Ā audĀ andĀ updated_atĀ are always returned.Ā The following conditions must otherwise be met for any particular claim to be returned:

  1. The OIDC Client must request the scope associated with the claim
  2. The claim must be configured for the OIDC Client at the OIDC Provider
  3. The end-user must give his consent if the claim demands consent handling

Due to (2) and (3), note that the set of returned claims may differ from the set of requested claims (1). The set of allowed claim for any particular Access Token is resolved by Introspection.

Five different scope configurations are supported as suggested by the below table, corresponding to theĀ standard scopesĀ profile,Ā email,Ā phoneĀ andĀ Ā addressĀ and theĀ non-standard scopeĀ nnin. Note that some of the claims associated with theĀ profileĀ scope are returned with theĀ ID TokenĀ whereas others are returned via Userinfo. Among all supported claims, note thatĀ nninĀ is available only to eligible OIDC Clients.Ā The end-user is always in control of the set of claims that is actually returned since most claims demand consentĀ from the end-user.

The OIDC Provider from BankID supportsĀ signedĀ responses from Userinfo.

(tick)Ā = Supported according to standard,Ā (warning)Ā = In progress / future support,Ā (info)Ā = Custom addition,Ā (thumbs up)Ā = Require end-user consent

ClaimSupportConsentExampleDescriptionCommentEditorial comment
iss(tick)Ā https://preview.bankidapis.noIssuer Identifier for the IssuerĀ Ā 
sub(tick)Ā 9578-5999-4-1765512Subject IdentifierĀ Ā 
aud(tick)Ā DotNetClientAudienceAlways includes client_idĀ 
updated_at(warning)Ā 1468582440Update timeEpoc time of latest update of any data element behind any of the supported claimsMust be added
Profile ( scope = profile )
gender(warning)(thumbs up)Ā MaleGenderGender derived from National Identity Number from associated BankID certificateMust be added
Email ( scope = email )
email(warning)(thumbs up)frobnil@something.comPreferred emailĀ Must be added
email_verified(warning)Ā falseVerification status of preferred emailĀ Must be added
all_emails(info)Ā (warning)(thumbs up){{"email":"","email_verified":false},{"email":"","email_verified":false}}Alle emails with verification statusĀ Must be added
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 
Phone ( scope = phone )
phone_number(tick)(thumbs up)95871775Preferred phone numerĀ Ā 
phone_number_verified(tick)Ā falseVerification status of preferrred phone numerDepending on the source for the number. Numbers for BankID on Mobile are regarded as verified.Numbers from other sources may also be regarded verified.
all_phone_numbers(info)Ā (thumbs up){{"number":"95871775","number_verified":false},{"number":"46897469","number_verified":false},{"number":"94782958","number_verified":false}}All phone numbers with verification statusĀ Ā 
Address ( scope = address )
address(tick)(thumbs up){ "formatted": "Lybekkveien 11C\n0772 Oslo\nNorway", "country": "Norway", "street_address": "Lybekkveien 11C", "postal_code": "0772", "locality": "Oslo", "house_number": "11", "house_letter": "C", "street_name": "Lybekkveien", "verified": false }Preferred postal addressStandardized claim with both standardized and non-standard sub-claimsĀ 
address.verified(info) (warning)Ā falseVerification status of preferred postal addressĀ Must be added
address.formatted(tick)(thumbs up)Lybekkveien 11C\n0772 Oslo\nNorwayFull mailing addressĀ Ā 
address.street_address(tick)(thumbs up)Lybekkveien 11CFull street addressĀ Ā 
address.locality(tick)(thumbs up)OsloCity or localityĀ Ā 
address.postal_code(tick)(thumbs up)0772Postal codeĀ Ā up)NorwayCountryĀ Ā 
address.street_name(info)(thumbs up)Lybekkveien

Ā Street name component from street_address

Ā To be reviewed
address.house_numer(info)(thumbs up)11House number component from street_addressĀ To be reviewed
address.house_letter(info)(thumbs up)CHouse letter component from street_addressĀ To be reviewed
all_addresses(info)Ā (warning)(thumbs up){{ "formatted": "Lybekkveien 11C\n0772 Oslo\nNorway", "country": "Norway", "street_address": "Lybekkveien 11C", "postal_code": "0772", "locality": "Oslo", "house_number": "11", "house_letter": "C", "street_name": "Lybekkveien", "verified": false }, { "formatted": "Munkedamsveien 45A\n0250 Oslo\nNorway", "country": "Norway", "street_address": "Munkedamsveien 45A", "postal_code": "0250", "locality": "Oslo", "house_number": "45", "house_letter": "A", "street_name": "Munkedamsveien", "verified": false } }All addresses with verification statusĀ Must be added
National Identity Number ( scope = nnin )
nnin(info)Ā 181266*****Norwegian National Identity Number (fĆødselsnummer)Available only to eligible OIDC ClientĀ 


Unsupported Claims

The following set ofĀ standard claimsĀ are not supportedĀ by the OIDC Provider from BankID.

(error)Ā = Not supported

ClaimSupportĀ DescriptionComment
Profile data ( scope = profile )
nickname(error)Ā Casual nameĀ 
profile(error)Ā Profile page URLĀ 
picture(error)Ā Picture URLĀ 
website(error)Ā Homepage URLĀ 
zoneinfo(error)Ā Time zoneĀ 
locale(error)Ā LocaleĀ 
address.region(error)Ā RegionSub-claim of the address claim