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This pdf-report will present the collected data elements, that you have asked for in your request (if these data points are located in the sources), in an "easy to read and easy to understand" way.
The report could eg serve as evidence of which screenings that have been conducted on the given customer, by whom and when it was done, including the findings that were made.

Requesting organizationForespørsel fra organisasjon
Organization numberOrganisasjonsnummerOrganization number of the organization making the requestclient account
Organization nameForetaksnavnName of the requesting organizationclient account
CreatedDato for utført søkThe date and time when the request was done (shown like this; 31.03.2020 09.55.15)system generated
ReferenceReferanseRequest reference. May be used to trace the request at a later point.system generated
Key informationNøkkelinformasjon
Organization numberOrganisasjonsnummerOrganization number used as inputForetaks/enhetsregisteret
Organization nameForetaksnavnOrganization name collected from BrønnøysundregisteretForetaks/enhetsregisteret
LEI numberLEI-nummerLEI stands for Legal Entity Identifier. This is a global standard to identify companies. This is a 20- digit number consisting of both numbers and letters. In some segments of MiFID II, all legal entities (e.g corporations, funds, pension funds, etc.) that handle financial instruments (e.g transferable securities, such as shares/liabilities) have their own LEI number.GLEIF
DUNS numberDUNS-nummerDun & Bradstreet's D-U-N-S number is a unique nine-digit business identifier.
Data Universal Numbering System is used to maintain up-to-date and timely information on more than 300 million global businesses. The number is often referenced by lenders and potential business partners to help predict the reliability and/or financial stability of the company in question.
Bisnode (Dun&Bradstreet)
Organization typeOrganisasjonstypeeg; Public Limited Companies, General partnership, Bankruptcy Estate, etcForetaks/enhetsregisteret
CountryLandcountry of establishmentForetaks/enhetsregisteret
Registered dateRegistreringsdatoThe registration date in the Business Register and/or the Entity Register (must not be mixed with the established date)Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
EmployeesAnsatteThe number of employees that are registered in NAV's Aa register. (All employers must report the numbers of employees every month in the Aa-register. This must be done even in months when the employee has not been paid wages.Enhetsregisteret. Aa-registeret er tilknyttet Enhetsregisteret 
Member of registriesRegistrert iLists public registers that the company is listed in.Foretaksregisteret/MVA reg/Frivillighetsreg/Stiftelsesregisteret/NAV Aa reg
Corporate purposeVedtektsfestet formålThe purpose of the company as determined by the Companies articles of association. Please note that the statutory purpose is not translated into English (by Br.reg) and that we only display the text in its original form (as it was written by the company).Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Status codeStatuskodeGives you the status of the company, e.g; In liquidation, Active, Liquidated, Bankruptcy, Inactive etc.
An "inactive" company may well be in operation, but there are indications that operations have ceased/paused (maybe due to missing; annual report, income tax and/or sales).
Visiting address


Visiting address = business address.Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Postal addressPostadresseIn addition to the Presented visiting address, the companies postal address, where this is registered in Br.reg, is listedForetaks/enhetsregisteret
StatusStatusGives information about hit against sanction lists. If no hit is generated the message; "None" will be shownEU, FN, OFAC
MessageBeskrivelseHits against sanction lists are listed, or the message "No result from SANCTION screening" is presented. The different sanction lists screened against are also listed.EU, FN, OFAC
Official rolesOffisielle roller
CEOAdministrerende direktør

Listed with; Name and Date of Birth.                                    - Companies are not obligated to have a CEO and they can also choose to have more than one CEO.


Listed with; Name and Date of Birth.  


Listed with; Name and Date of Birth.  

Deputy ChairmanStyrets nestleder

Listed with; Name and Date of Birth.  

Board membersStyrets medlemmer

Listed with; Name and Date of Birth.  

Deputy board membersStyrets varamedlemmer

Listed with; Name and Date of Birth.  

Contact personKontaktperson

Listed with; Name and Date of Birth.                                    - A company is not obliged to have a CEO, if you do not have this you must register a "Contact person". An example of a company that has chosen this solution is; 998 127 769

Company secretaryForretningsfører

Listed with; name and Date of Birth or company name and organization number.

A company can basically register only one of the roles; CEO, Contact person, Company secretary. Example of a company with Company secretary; 931 346 067. The exception to this rule is if the company secretary is a company, then the company must also report a natural person as a contact person. An example of such a company is; 833 350 102

Representative foreign entityNorsk representing for utenlandsk selskap

Listed with; name and Date of Birth or company name and org number.  

A Norwegian-registered foreign company (NUF) that has to pay VAT and does not have its own business address in Norway must register a Norwegian representative. An example of a NUF that has a person who is their representative; 916 474 709. An example of a NUF that has a company like its Norwegian representative for foreign affairs; 991 014 853 (they also have a contact person)


Listed with the company name and organization number.

A "Limited Partnership" is a company where one or more participants have unlimited personal liability for the company's debt = complementary. The complementary is typical a company (AS). 919 344 741 is an example of a Limited Partnership where the complementary is another company and this company is presented under the section "ownership" / "Shareholders" with ownership = 0%.

Participants with unlimited liabilityDeltaker med fullt/ubegrenset ansvar

Listed with; name and Date of birth, or company name and organization number   

A "General partnership" is a company being owned by at least two persons (or legal persons) who have unlimited personal liability. The company is operated at the owner's expense and risk and with "Participants with unlimited liability" for the company's obligations. These people will appear under "shareholders" with an indicated 0% ownership (since the company does not have shares) - An example of such a company is 975 847 225

Participants with shared liabilityDeltaker med begrenset ansvar

Listed with; name and Date of birth, or company name and organization number and the shared liability.  

A "General Partnership with Shared Liability" is a company where participants have divided responsibilities among themselves. An example of such a company is 991901981 - here have the participants (who are two companies) split the responsibility 50-50 between them. These companies will appear under "shareholders" and then liability % is stated (this is not owner shares)

ProprietorInnehaverListed with; Name and Date of BirthForetaks/enhetsregisteret
Beneficial ownersReelle rettighetshavere

Listed with; Name, Date of Birth, address and owner shares.

If none persons are identified to control 25% of the company the message "Could not identify any beneficial owner for this company" will be shown.

Aksjonærregisteret, Rolleregisteret, Regnskapsregisteret
ShareholdersAksjonærerListed with;  Name, date of birth or company name and organization number, owner shares                                             Regnskapsregisteret
SubsidiariesDatterselskapListed with; Companyname, organization number and what owner shares the requested company has in the listed subsidiaries
Signature rightsSignaturrettigheter
StatusStatusIf signature rights can not be presented programmatically the massage "Signing rights can`t be decided programmatically"  will be shown.                                        Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
DescriptionBeskrivelseThe Signature rights in text like it is registered in Br. reg (It will therefore mostly be in Norwegian). Foretaks/enhetsregisteret

Signature rights may come with a list of remarks
There are three categories of remarks;

Exceptions_possible; There are known exceptions to the signature rule. A common example is that there exist deputy board member that could sign on behalf of the board members.
Supplemented; The signature rights text is overwritten by the system. A Common example is if the registered text in Brreg is empty (then for most companies the whole board are obligated to sign)

Incomplete_data; The signature rigts text could normally be handled as "Conclusive" (JSON), but the roles described in the signature text are not documented. The service will instead return "IN_CONLUSIVE" as a fallback

system generated
"Option 1:          Required signatures""Mulighet 1: Obligaturiske signaturer"List all the possible combination of a compliant signature with; Name, date of birth, the role for the persons involved in the signature combination. 

If the "status" field indicates "Signature rights cannot be determined programmatically" then this "Option 1" field will not appear. You must then read the "Description" field yourself and find the roles included in the description under the "official roles" section. 
Power of procurationProkurarettigheterif no procuration rights are found the message "No delegated power of procuration registered in the registry" will show.
StatusStatusIf procuration rights can't be presented programmatically the message "Power of procuration can`t be decided programmatically"  will be shown.                                        Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
DescriptionBeskrivelseThe procuration text like it is registered in Br. reg (It will therefore mostly be in Norwegian). If this field is empty it means the company's board has not delegated procuration rights and then the given "signature rights" or if this is also empty;  the whole Board, will be the right power of procuration.Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
"Option 1:                          Required signatures""Mulighet 1: Obligaturiske signature"List all the possible combination of a compliant signature with; Name, date of birth, the role for the persons involved in the signature combination. 
If the "status" field above indicates "Power of procuration cannot be determined programmatically" then this "Option 1" field will not appear. 
FinancialsØkonomisk informasjon
AuditorRevisorListed with; Company name, organization number. Or if the company does not have an Auditor; "No auditor found". 
AccountantRegnskapsbyråListed with; Company name, organization number. Or if the company does not have an external Accountant; "No accountant found". 
Key figuresNøkkeltall
Share capitalAksjekapital
Regnskapsregisteret / Bisnode

Operating profitDriftsresultat





Are shown for 3 last years

Income statementResultatregnskap
Regnskapsregisteret / Bisnode
Sales revenuesSalgsinntekter

Other revenuesAnnen driftsinntekt

Total revenuesTotal inntekt

Cost of goods soldVarekostnad

Inventory changesBeholdningsendringer

Salary costsLønnskostnader

Financial costsAndre finanskostnader


AmortizationsOrdinære avskrivninger

Other operation costsAndre driftskostnader

Operating profitsDriftsresultat

Ordinary profitsOrdinært resultat

Extraordinary revenuesEkstraordinære inntekter

Extraordinary costsEkstraordinære kostnader

Minority interestsMinoritetens andel


Result before taxResultat før skatt

Net profitsÅrsresultat

Balance sheetBalanseregnskap
Regnskapsregisteret / Bisnode
Current assetsSum omløpsmidler

Fixed assetsAnleggsmidler

Sum assetsSum eiendeler


DebtSum gjeld

Sum equity and debtSum egenkapital og gjeld

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