Input file format bulk creation RA

Input file format bulk creation RA

Link to Preprod RA: https://Public:bankid4you2!@ra-preprod.bankidnorge.no/#/search/endUser

Updated March 2nd for Release 1.30 


There has been significant changes to the bulk order functionality - please review


The Preprod  RA supports bulk creation of BankID test certificates.

The current input field format of the file is (4 columns):

[Personal ID Number] [BankID Friendly Name] [Last Name] [First Name and possibly Middle Name]


The delimiter can be comma "," or semicolon ";" and the file format must be UTF-8 to support æ,ø,å. It is now possible to use Excel and export to CVS UTF-8 with Norwegian locale (uses semicolon as delimeter). Please note that four columns must be used as opposed to three before.

When the input file is selected it is automatically loaded and verified. Status is given in the status area. The verify option is therefore removed. The number of recorded BankIDs is listed per Personal ID Number.

Pressing "Order" works as before, but the output is given immediately and can be copied into your own records.

Current limitations

  1. Space is not permitted in Last name (use underscore)
  2. Not all characters are supported äöÄÖ is known to cause errors - your milage may vary


Helpful suggestions

  1. Use Excel and save as CSV UTF-8
  2. Make sure the cell format is Text, not number or automatic. This will strip the leading 0 from F.nr.
  3. Add a check column for length of F.nr (=LEN(cell ref)) or an automatic check that will add the leading 0 (=IF(LEN(A1);A1;CONCATENATE("0";A1))
  4. Make a template with this and copy your list into it - have the checks in column >5
  5. Have a separate tab where the first four columns are copied from the original tab - this is your export tab



Please note that RA is still in Beta - changes will happen.