ID Token

ID Token

The OpenID Connect Provider from BankID provides ID Tokens with uniform characteristics regarless of the IDP being used in any particular case. The claims returned depends on the scopes requested by the OIDC Client. Three different configurations are supported as suggested by the below table, corresponding to various combinations of the standard scopes openid and profile and the proprietary scope nnin_altsub.

A Minimum ID Token (scope = openid) contains a minimum set of claims, among which sub and bankid_altsub are the only claims that are linked to the actual user. A minimum ID Token can be used by OIDC Clients that need to authenticate end-users in an anonumous way. The sub and bankid_altsub values do not identify the user unless they are linked by the OIDC Client to other claims about the end user associated that identifies him more precisely.

Regular ID Token (scope = openid profile) builds on a minimum ID Token by adding claims that identifies the end-user by his name and birthdate.

Enchanced ID Token (scope = ....... nnin_altsub) builds either on a minimum ID Token or a regular ID Token by adding a claim containing the Norwegian National Identity Number of the end-user 

The TINFO value-added service supports even more claims about the end-user beyond those contained in the ID Token. 

All  claims supported in ID Tokens, with the exception from nnin_altsub, are available to any OIDC Client and none of the claims demand consent from the end user.  This is in contrast to claims supported by TINFO that must meet certain conditions before actually being returned to a requesting OIDC Client.

The OIDC Provider form BankID supports signed ID Tokens. Note that signing related claims contained in the header part of the ID Token are not shown in the below table.

(tick) = According to standard. (info) = Custom additions

typ(tick)openidIDToken typeType of token
4Authentication Context Class ReferenceLevel of Assurance (LoA) for IDP option being used
BIDAuthentication Method ReferenceName of IDP option being used
oidc_testclientAudienceAlways includes client_id
1510497762Authentication timeEpoc time
oidc_testclientAuthorized partyEquals client_id


Alternate Subject Identifier

Personal Identifier (PID) for BankID (Serial number from associated BankID certificate)

Applicable for BankID and other IDPs derived from BankID.


1510498063Expiration timeEpoc time
1510497763Issuing timeEpoc time
https://oidc-preprod.bankidapis.no/auth/realms/preprodIssuer Identifier for the Issuer 
7f22fd6a-3d46-4d5a-ae56-6de3c53e1873Token identifier 
0Not before timeEpoc time
<random value>Nonce 
abf823c2-9810-4133-9369-7bff1223d6c1GUID related to session-handling in Keycloak. 


Subject IdentifierPersonal Identifier from BankID
(Serial number from associated BankID certificate)
1468582440Update timeEpoc time of issuing time of associated BankID certificate
<hash value>Access Token hash valueIncluded for hybrid- and implicit flows
<hash value>Code hash valueIncluded for hybrid flow
birthdate(tick)profile1966-12-18BirthdateBirthDate from associated BankID certificate
NilsenSurname (last name) 
Frode BeckmannGiven name (first name) 
Nilsen, Frode BeckmannFull nameCommonName from associated BankID certificate
Nilsen, Frode BeckmannShorthand name 
nnin_altsub(info)nnin_altsub181266*****Norwegian National Identity Number (fødselsnummer) as alternate Subject Identifier

Providing eligible OIDC clients nnin as a reference to already existing users.

Only availble with authorization code flow. Other flows would expose nnin via the IDToken flowing through the end-user browser.

For acces to nnin for eligible OIDC clients for enrollment of new users, see TINFO.