Refresh Tokens

Refresh Tokens

In parallel to supporting a Default Access Token used by TINFO-sevice,  this release of the OIDC Provider from BankID also supports a corresponding Default Refresh Token. As suggested by the below table the Refresh Token contains just a minimum of information compared to both the ID Token and Access Token. The purpose of Refresh Tokens is to enhance security by keeping the life-time of Access Tokens shorter. An expired Access Token can easily be replaced with a new Access Token (without any user interaction) via a Refresh Token that was issued along with the most recent Access Token, but that was issued with a longer life-time than the Access Token itself.

The supported Default Refresh Token has its origin from Keycloak and has the following characteristics. The Refresh Token can be used by other VAS-services than TINFO (VAS) by replacing the aud attribute with a different value.

(tick) = According to standard. (info) = Custom additions

typ(tick)RefreshToken typeType of token
(tick)tinfoAudienceAlways includes client_id
auth_time(tick)1510497762Authentication timeEpoc time
azp(tick)oidc_testclientAuthorized partyEquals client_id
exp(tick)1510498063Expiration timeEpoc time
iat(tick)1510497763Issuing timeEpoc time
iss(tick)https://oidc-preprod.bankidapis.no/auth/realms/preprodIssuer Identifier for the Issuer 
jti(tick)7f22fd6a-3d46-4d5a-ae56-6de3c53e1873Token identifier 
nbf(tick)0Not before timeEpoc time
nonce(tick)<random value>Nonce 
session_state(info)abf823c2-9810-4133-9369-7bff1223d6c1GUID related to session-handling in Keycloak. 


Subject IdentifierPersonal Identifier from BankID
(Serial number from associated BankID certificate)