How to use the new feature ownership indicators

How to use the new feature ownership indicators

1) Request the service

Make a normal request to the AML service, while including the following parameters:



2) Inspect the JSON response

The ownership indicators will be included as part of the JSON element ownership.indicators.

"ownership": { "indicators": { "keyIndicators": { "numberOfShareholdersTotal": 4502, "numberOfShareholdersDirect": 22, "numberOfShareholdersLegal": 1799, "maxShareHolderDistance": 7, "ownershipNace": { "00.000": { "sum": 9.39, "title": "Ukjent" }, "64.190": { "sum": 57.52, "title": "Bankvirksomhet ellers" }, "64.201": { "sum": 0.1, "title": "Finansielle holdingselskaper" }, "66.190": { "sum": 10.62, "title": "Andre tjenester tilknyttet finansieringsvirksomhet" } } }, "knowledge": { "sumIdentifiedShareholders": 38.49, "sumUnidentifiedShareholders": 23.8, "sumUnknownShareholders": 37.709999999999994, "numberOfUnidentifiedShareholders": 936 }, "selfOwnership": { "companySelfOwnership": 0, "numberOfSelfOwnedShareholders": 0 }, "votingPower": { "numberOfShareholdersManyShareClasses": 0, "numberOfShareClasses": 1, "numberOfHighVpLowIntegrated": 1 } }, "metadata": { "sources": [ "BISNODE", "TRANK" ], "urls": [] } },

3) Inspect the PDF report

The ownership indicators will also be included in the AML organization PDF report.


4) Understand the content

See separate section with a description of each and every ownership indicator (Norwegian only): Eierstruktur-indikatorer

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