Certificate of incorporation

Certificate of incorporation

When using the Organization resource you can also request for an company certificate to be generated. This will also be created in PDF and will contain the following information;
Requesting organization
Organization numberOrganization number of the organization making the requestclient account
Organization nameName of the requesting organizationclient account
CreatedThe date when the request was donesystem generated
ReferenceReference used to find the request in the API system generated
Key information
Organization numberOrganization number used as inputForetaks/enhetsregisteret
Organization nameOrganization name collected from Brønnøysundregisteret Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
LEI-numberLEI stands for Legal Entity Identifier. This is a global standard to identify companies. This is a 20- digit number consisting of both numbers and letters. In some segments of MiFID II, all legal entities (e.g corporations, funds, pension funds, etc.) that handle financial instruments (e.g transferable securities, such as shares/liabilities) have their own LEI number.GLEIF
DUNS numberDun & Bradstreet's D-U-N-S number is a unique nine-digit business identifier.
Data Universal Numbering System is used to maintain up-to-date and timely information on more than 300 million global businesses. The number is often referenced by lenders and potential business partners to help predict the reliability and/or financial stability of the company in question.
Bisnode (Dun&Bradstreet)
Organization typee.g; Public Limited Companies, General partnership, Bankruptcy Estate, etcForetaks/enhetsregisteret
Countrycountry of establishmentForetaks/enhetsregisteret
Registered dateThe registration date in the Business Register and/or the Entity Register (must not be mixed with the established date)Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Established dateThe established date (must not be mixed with the registered date)Stiftelsesregisteret
Corporate purposeThe purpose of the company as determined by the Companies articles of association. Please note that the statutory purpose is not translated into English (by Br.reg) and that we only display the text in its original form (as it was written by the company).Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Institutional CodeCode (4 digits) used for institutional sector grouping in Norway; A statistical standard, which is used in the national account, and for statistics and economic analysisEnhetsregisteret
Institutional DescriptionText describing the Institutional code e.g; Private limited liability company.Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Industry codealso called "Nace Code". A 5-digit code that is given based on the companies industry and purpose. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Industry descriptionText describing the Industry codeForetaks/enhetsregisteret
EmployeesThe number of employees that are registered in NAV's Aa register. (All employers must report working-conditions  incl number of employee every month)Enhetsregisteret/Aa-registeret
Member of registriesLists public register that the company is listed in.  Foretaksregisteret/MVA reg/Frivillighetsreg/Stiftelsesregisteret/NAV Aa reg
Status codeGives you the status of the company, e.g; In liquidation, Active, Liquidated, Bankruptcy, Inactive etc.
An "inactive" company may well be in operation, but there are indications that operations have ceased/paused (maybe due to missing; annual report, income tax and/or sales).
Visiting addressVisiting address = business address.Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Postal addressIn addition to the Presented visiting address, the companies postal address, where this is registered in Br.reg, is listedForetaks/enhetsregisteret
Official roles
CEOListed with; Name and Date of Birth. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
TrusteeListed with; Name and Date of Birth. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
ChairmanListed with; Name and Date of Birth. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Deputy ChairmanListed with; Name and Date of Birth. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Board membersListed with; Name and Date of Birth. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Deputy board membersListed with; Name and Date of Birth. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Contact personListed with; Name and Date of Birth. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Company secretaryListed with; name and Date of Birth or company name and organization number. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
Representative foreign entityListed with; name and Date of Birth or company name and organization number. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
ProprietorListed with; Name and Date of Birth. Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
ComplementaryNot listed in the Certificate of incorporation yet.
Will soon be listed with company name and organization number
Participants with unlimited liabilityNot listed in the Certificate of incorporation yet.
Will soon be listed with; name and Date of birth, or company name and organization number
Participants with shared liabilityNot listed in the Certificate of incorporation yet.
Will soon be listed with; name and Date of birth, or company name and organization number
Signature rights                                                                                       
StatusIf signature rights can't be presented programmatically, and only then, the "Status" field will show and the message "Signing rights can`t be decided programmatically"  will be given.                                        Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
DescriptionThe Signature rights in text like it is registered in Br. reg (It will therefore mostly be in Norwegian). If this field is empty it means the companies Board has not delegated signature rights and then the whole Board must be included in signing the company.
Option 1:List all the possible combination of a compliant signature with; Name, date of birth, the role for the persons involved in the signature combination. 
If the "status" field above indicates "Signature rights cannot be determined programmatically" then this "Option 1" field will not appear and you must read the "Description" yourself and find the roles included in the description under the "official roles" section 
Power of procuration

if none procuration rights text is found, the message "No delegated power of procuration registered in the registry" will show.
StatusIf procuration rights cant be presented programmatically, and only then, the "Status" field will show and the message "Power of procuration can`t be decided programmatically"  will be given.                  Foretaks/enhetsregisteret
DescriptionThe procuration text like it is registered in Br. reg (It will therefore mostly be in Norwegian). If this field is empty it means the companies Board has not delegated procuration rights and then the given "signature rights" or if this is also empty;  the whole Board, will be the right power of procuration.
Option 1:List all the possible combination of a compliant signature with; Name, date of birth, the role for the persons involved in the signature combination. 
If the "status" field above indicates "Power of procuration cannot be determined programmatically" then this "Option 1" field will not appear  
AuditorListed with; Company name, organization number. Or if the company does not have an Auditor; "No auditor found". Foretaksregisteret
AccountantListed with; Company name, organization number. Or if the company does not have an external Accountant; "No accountant found". Enhetsregisteret

https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/1987-12-18-984 §13 lists the data The company certificate must contain, if such information is registered in the register: