Overview 1

Overview 1

BankID error situations may have their origin in four distinct parts:

  • An error condition at the Merchant / BankID Server.
  • An error condition in BankID Client(s), including conditions that are direct results from end-user actions (e.g. abort operation).
  • An error condition in the Client proxy that the Merchant is using (2.1 signing).
  • An error condition in any part of BankID COI.

Most error conditions in the latter three categories will lead to the merchant receiving an error code, either in the handleError() callback from the BankID Client over the merchant interface or in the JavaScript callback function provided in the bankidhelper.init() function (BankID 2.0/2.1).
Many error conditions in either of the above categories will lead to a display of an specific error-code in the BankID Client(s). There is not a 1:1 relationship between such error codes and error codes received by the merchant, however. The merchant will in general receive more detailed error codes than the end-user. In other cases only the end-user will receive and error code (e.g. if there is a communication problem towards the merchant).
When implementing BankID Server a number of additional API-errors may arise. Such errors are not described in this document. Please refer to [IJSRV] or [ICSRV] for details on such errors. Typically API-errors originating from the Merchant (via BankID Server) will be displayed in the client as BID-5007. The reason for this aggregation (mapping) is to hide internal matters from the public. The real BankID Server error code is logged in the error log at the Merchant site.
A similar aggregation (mapping) may happen for errors originating in COI and/or the Client proxy. On a general basis errors are logged at a more detailed level in these components than how the same errors conditions are reported further on to the end-user and/or the merchant.
Error codes are grouped according to their source of origin and/or type of error based on the two first digits of the error code. The exception is error codes from the Client proxy which are identifiable by the format 18xxx. Beginning with the BankID 2.1 release, communication errors were split into error code ranges 20Ax – 20Cx as suggested by the table below:




Generic errors


Error related to COI and any type of BankID Client


Errors related specifically to SDM in COI (BankID 2.0/2.1)


Errors related specifically to BankID Web-client


Errors related to communication between BankID Web-client 2.1 and Merchant


Errors related to communication between BankID Web-client 2.1 and COI


Errors related to communication between BankID Web-client 2.1 and Client proxy


Errors reported from Helper to Merchant application


Errors related to communication between pre BankID 2.1 Clients and Merchant


Reason codes related to unsuccessful transactions that are not due to system errors


Errors related to BankID on Mobile (i.e. SIM)


Generic error related to all components.


Errors from Client proxy (BankID 2.1)

These error code ranges are further described in separate sections in the rest of this document.
Many of the errors experienced by end-users may be fixed by the end-users themselves or by the support provided by the banks/merchants. In other cases BankID support must be contacted in order to perform error investigation, see section 2.1 for details.
In cases where an error is caused by internal conditions in COI, neither the end-user, nor bank support are able to resolve the issue at hand. Errors of this kind are not explicitly listed in the following subsection.
Hence, any error code that the reader of this document may face that is not explicitly listed in this document should be interpreted as "Internal error – must be investigated by Nets".

BankID support

If the support organization at banks/merchants are not able to resolve the issue at hand, or the error code displayed in the Client is not listed in this document, BankID support must be contacted.
Please gather as much information as possible and contact BankID support at support@bankid.no to raise an issue.

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