Reason codes related to unsuccessful transactions (9xxx)

Reason codes related to unsuccessful transactions (9xxx)





The user chose to abort the identification/signing transaction by clicking Cancel in the client dialog.

Inform that the abortion was due to a user action and that there are no errors with the system. The user may start over again.


The certificate is suspended. The password has been incorrectly entered too many times (5).

Please contact the Issuer of the BankID.


The OTP is suspended. The security code/one-time-password has been incorrectly entered too many times (5).

Please contact the Issuer of the BankID.


The bank's OTP service aborted the process. An error message has been shown to the user.

Possible causes may be listed in the bank's internal documentation, alternatively in the documentation provided by the OTP service vendor.

Ask questions about the error message. Validate against the relevant error message lists.


The client session timed out.

Ask the user to start over again.


Signing aborted due to changes in contents.

Could be that the client has been manipulated the end-user web browser.


The end-user has entered an incorrect one-time-password from an unknown device too many times.

The end-user has to try again from a device previously known by the BankID environment or contact the bank to have the block lifted.


The end-user does not have the certificate type (PersonalBankID or EmployeeBankID which is required by the Merchant.

The end-user must obtain the correct BankID in order to use the service.