Errors from Client proxy (BankID 2.1) (18xxx)

Errors from Client proxy (BankID 2.1) (18xxx)





Unspecified error from Client proxy.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-186A0


OK (will only be returned to Merchant, not shown to user).




Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-187CC


Bad Request.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18830



Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18833


Not found.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18834


Internal server error.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18894


Bad input.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-188F8


The encAuth received from client does not match the calculated one.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-188F9


Invalid trace id.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-188FA


No documents to be signed.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-188FB


Error communicating with merchant.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-188FC


TraceID not specified.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-188FD


TraceID already exists.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-188FE


Operation not supported.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-188FF


Empty merchant key.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18900


Empty merchant URL.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18901


Empty session ID.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18902


Document id not specified.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18905


Document page id not specified.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18906


Document parser error. Document validation message (will only be returned to Merchant, not shown to user).

Merchant should investigate.


MimeType not supported.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18908


MimeType does not match document type.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18909


Document is not downloadable.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-1890A


Unsupported encoding. Document validation message.

Merchant should investigate.


Missing argument (e.g. operation, merchantKey, merchantURL etc.).

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-1890C


Error building client response.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-1890D


Generic encryption/decryption error.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-1890E


Decryption of request failed.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-1890F

18910Received empty response from merchant.

Verify Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18910


Could not convert PDF to BufferedImage.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-1895C


Could not convert BufferedImage to PNG.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-1895D


Could not decode HTML to Latin1.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-1895E


Could not decode BIDXML to Latin1.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-1895F


Could not split BIDXML to XML/XSLT.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18960


Could not decode txt document to Latin1.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18961


Could not convert PDF.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18962

18963PDF-Validator could not read document

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18963

18964PDF-Validator: Document is password protectedTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18964
18965PDF-Validator: Document is corruptTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18965
18966Error converting signed page. The specified PDF page is out of boundsTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18966



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.



Logged performance event when converting a document. Available to merchant in cpReport, will not be displayed in the Web-client.


Document validation message (will only be returned to Merchant, not shown to user).



Document validation message (will only be returned to Merchant, not shown to user).



Document validation message (will only be returned to Merchant, not shown to user).



Document validation message (will only be returned to Merchant, not shown to user).



PDF document is invalid. Document validation message (will only be returned to Merchant, not shown to user).

Merchant should investigate its PDF document generation.


The PDF Validator license is invalid.

Contact BankID support at Nets or the party hosting the Client proxy URL being used and refer to error code: BID-18A29


Could not read PDF document.

Try again. Merchant should investigate its PDF document generation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A2A


TXT with illegal elements detected. Document validation message (will only be returned to Merchant, not shown to user).

Merchant should investigate its TXT document generation.


HTML with illegal elements detected. Document validation message (will only be returned to Merchant, not shown to user).

Merchant should investigate its XML/HTML document generation.


HTML with illegal attributes detected Document validation message (will only be returned to Merchant, not shown to user).

Merchant should investigate its XML/HTML document generation.


Unsupported encoding.

Try again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-



Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A2F


Could not convert XML/XSLT to HTML.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A30


Document page not found. Client session may have expired.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A88


Data To Be Signed not found. Client session may have expired.

Try again. Merchant may increase clientSessionTimeout. Ask the user to finish signing without delay. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A89


Document not found. Client session may have expired.

Try again. Merchant may increase clientSessionTimeout. Ask the user to finish signing without delay. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A8A


Cannot find session, timeout?

Try again. Merchant may increase clientSessionTimeout. Ask the user to finish signing without delay. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A8B


Could not store document page.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A8C


Could not store document.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A8D


Could not update document.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A8E

18A90Cassandra connection errorTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: 18A90
18AA5PAdES: Could not find document pageTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: 18AA5
18AA6Cassandra Document TTL not foundTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: 18AA6
18AA7Cassandra cleanup errorTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: 18AA7
18AA8Cassandra update not appliedCheck clientproxy and cassandra nodes time sync. NTP issue?


Error connecting to merchant.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A8F


XSLT requested file access.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A991


Failed to configure XML/XSL Transformer.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A92


Attempted accessing system property.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A93


A href contained JavaScript.

Try again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A94


The CSS contained an URL.

Try again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A95


HTML contained meta refresh.

Try again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A96


HTML contained image with non-dataURI source.

Try again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A97


Found tag(s) in document description.

Try again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A98


Base64 decoding error.

Try again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A99


Base64 encoding error.

Try again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A9A


Failed to add security provider.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A9B


Could not find requested security provider.

Try again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A9C

18A9DMissing merchant seal paramTry again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A9D
18A9EMissing end user seal paramTry again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A9E
18A9FMissing document byte rangeTry again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18A9F
18AA0Missing merchant cert in client reqTry again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18AA0
18C01Error adding seal to documentTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18C01
18C02Error adding signature to documentTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18C02
18C03Error adding signature extension to documentTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18C03
18C04Error loading documentTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18C04
18C05Error updating document sourceTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18C05
18C06Error adding document security storeTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18C06
18C07Error saving document security storeTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18C07
18C08Error updating document security store sourceTry again. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18C08
18B00Error parsing PAdES validation data JSONTry again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18B00
18B01PAdES validation data is emptyTry again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18B01
18B02PAdES validation data missing for documentTry again. Investigate Merchant implementation. If the error persists, contact BankID support at Nets and refer to error code: BID-18B02

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